Today I finally managed again to “escape” from Rome and go to the mountains with a group of friends and activate a new peak of the Apennines. The mountain is Monte Tarino I / LZ-324 a beautiful peak of 1961 meters. in the park of the Simbruini Mountains. The journey takes about 2 hours by car from the center of Rome to reach the sentiro that leads to the summit. It is about 3 hours of walking to the summit and the sentiro crosses the sources of the Aniene river and then you walk for at least an hour with a lot of water around.
The summit is very open and can be reached by a long ridge that you can see in the photo. Today we were a group of 6 people and some did not reach the top and therefore I had little time for activation so as not to make those waiting for us halfway in a clearing wait too long. In the end I did 17 qsos on 20 and 30 meters cw / ssb and an S2s with @2E0BIA using my usual Elecraft Kx3 and longwire wire antenna supported by a fishing rod.
The mountain day was beautiful, the views that can be observed climbing Mount Tarino are unique, perhaps among the best in the central Apennines. The time for the radio was short but still it is always a pleasure to connect the active chasers in each band, so … the next activation!
73 de IW0HK