Monte Rotondo I/AB-020 - 2062 m Iw0hk & Iz0ete

today nice activation with Iz0ete Lele on Monte Rotondo I/AB-020 a nice Hill near the “Campo Felice” area. We walk 1 hour to reach the 2062 mt. top and there we setup two station with a Loop Antenna & Elecraft Kx3 and a vertical with Yaesu Ft-817. We use all band from 7 mhz to 28 mhz, using cw & ssb with differente S2S qso with DL6GCA/P, HB9AFI/P, LA1ENA/P and IN3ADF/P. Fantastic sota Day !!



This was my first contact with I/AB - … and then S2S - THANKS

But - Please correct my callsign :upside_down_face:

73 Armin

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