Monte dell'AvvocataI I/CA-104 I8/G0GAV/P

I am on a family holiday on the rather warm Amalfi coast, managing a couple early start activations avoiding the heat. There is great walking in this area, nice trails but most summits require some effort.

This morning I walked from our apartment in Scala, to Maiori then 1000m ascent to the summit. There was a strong wind so much more pleasant than in previous day’s.

Small train for moving boxes of lemons.

Must be a popular spot for Paragliding

Using mules to move the crates or lemons

Great activation, 50 qso’s and a very nice hike. I was back for lunch at 1300, taking the bus back to Scala. It’s another 350m climb back up, no thanks in the mid day heat!

73 Gavin


Gorgeous pics Gavin, nice report, I am jealous you have been to such a beautiful location for SOTA !! Tony

Congratulations, and a first activation of the summit too. You must have been ready for a swim and/or a cold beer after that hike. :slight_smile:

Nice pictures and location, Gavin. And thanks for the QSO. What kind antenna are you using?

73 - Tonnie - PA9CW

Thanks for the S2S, Gavin. On my summit 20 degrees celsius and a fantastic breeze…
73 Fabio


Thanks Gavin for a great report and photos. :+1:

Geoff vk3sq

Hi Tonne,

It is a 5.3m vertical wire on a 5m travel pole. With two short radials both 4.25m, plugged straight into KX2 with ATU. It works 30m to 15m, resonant on 20m so ATU can be bypassed. On 10 and 12m the antenna is too long, so I can push in the top section of pole and wrap 0.5m of wire back down the pole.

It is too short for 40m, but works ok on 30m. It’s very simple but works.

73 Gavin


Super photos Gavin, well done


thanks for your answer. It sure works vy well. I’m looking for something like this for my next bicycle-holiday. Simple and light. So next days I will test an antenna like this.

Have a nice time in I8.

73 - Tonnie - PA9CW