Modified Shack sloth Trophy

Hi dear sota mates,

I love homebrewing amateur radio equipment, but I homebrewed a different stuff some days ago… I thought about making a custom improvement of my Shack sloth trophy.

The original design resembles an ice block, but I feel the logo inside is not easy to be seen.

I decided to enhance the logo by adding a coloured rubber behind the semi-transparent block and here you can see the result of my addition.

Eva rubber cut with the SOTA shape:

Original vs Customized trophy:

And now let me ask you:
what desing do you prefer: Original or coloured?

In the other hand I introduced a major modification to the logo.
Quiz: can you see what’s that?

QRV and 73


Just brilliant, Ignacio!
You’re an artist.
I definitely like the one you customized better.
I’ve found the modification you made to the logo…
The arm of the mountaneer looks complete now.
Great job!

Thanks Guru.

Concerning the modification of the logo, no, that’s not the right answer…

The quiz is still alive, who can solve it?

73 de Ignacio

I need a clue!


Ha! Got it!

It’s so obvious you just don’t see it - very clever!

73 de Paul G4MD

Clue Pete?

Look at Ignacio’s avatar…

Can you see it now??

73 de Paul G4MD

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Great idea Ignacio! I suppose felt material or coloured card could also be used instead of rubber. I see you have made a nice wire display stand for the block as well.

73 Ed.

PS is the difference, the reversed green & red colours - i.e. the change is on the backing material, not the ice block itself? Hmm, perhaps a blue background with a white mountain would look nice as well (Bavarian colours) or green and gold (Australain colours) etc. etc.

Congratulations Paul, I think you won the challenge!
I’ll just wait for Pete’s confirmation to reveal it… then I have to send you a prize :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks Ed, yes I did the stand with thick wire.

Thanks for reading. VY 73 de Ignacio

Bingo - so when are you going to change your avatar



all right, the quiz is undercover: I reversed the colours in my trophy purposely. Why?
Because the foreground Callsign and year is in Red colour and therefore I decided to have a Green colour in the background to allow it to be read…

I think I’ll have to send a second price to Pete, as I worked GW4ISJ/P midday today. He didn’t have a chance to reply to me yet in the reflector, hi.

In the other hand, I have prepared a second gadget with EVA rubber today. Am I falling in love with this material?
Look at the results here attached on my rucksack…
I am going to make a lot of publicity of the SOTA program from now on…

I glued this small logo (this time with the right colors on it!) using liquid silicon.
Maybe I’ll build some more for some hats or rigs…

Hope you like it. Take care and I promise that my next article is an activation report.
VY 73 de Ignacio

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You’re right, I’ve not been home long after a long day in the sun!
Now I have 150 QSO’s to log, including yours :smile:
I see the change now. Funny how you miss something so obvious…


I was tempted to send you the hint during the activation but I just recognized you were in a big pile up.

You better take the good rest you deserve and keep the records to be logged tomorrow…
TNX a lot and take care dear Pete.

VY 73, Ignacio