mm0gyx not qrv on gm/ns-113

I’m really sorry to say I’m not on gm/ns-113. I thought I’d do a little qrp from home earlier and noticed later that I’d been spotted on sotawatch by rbn.
So I used gm/ns-113 and rbnn to cancel the spot, it didn’t work. So when I called again ten minutes ago there appeared a mini pile-up, never experienced from my home qth!

So, again, sorry I don’t know why this is happening. My last activation was GM/NS-??? on 26/27 May, I posted an alert. I guess I must’ve got it wrong, I’m looking into it.

Incidentally I wasn’t calling cq sota, but it’s obviously not picky.



In reply to MM0GYX:

F5SQA, Daniel, please note the above. This was not a sota qso, I didn’t realise what had happened until after the contact when everyone else appeared.

I’ll catch you next time from the hill.


In reply to MM0GYX:

I remember setting up my alert, I think I programmed in s+24, which I thought was +24 hours.

Perhaps Eric can point me to the error of my ways.

I’m not sure how to turn this alert off now, so will be qrt until then. We don’t want any more phantom activations, perhaps an activation of my local hill would reset it.



In reply to MM0GYX:
Are you sure you only put +24?

Regardless, RBNgate should only spot if you have a current Alert in the system within the +nn hrs criteria.

From the FAQ the most relevant questions are:
What if I enter a Sotawatch alert for the following day, the weather ends up being bad, and I stay home and call CQ DX instead? Will I still get spotted as if I’m on a summit?

Yes. To prevent this from happening, either delete your Sotawatch alert or edit it to include any of the following anywhere in the alert’s comment (without the quotes, case-insensitive): “canceled”, “cancelled”, “RBNN” or “NoRBNGate”.

If I’m on a summit and want to tell RBNGate to stop spotting me, is there any way to do that?

Yes. Spot yourself to Sotawatch and include either of the following anywhere in your spot’s comment (without the quotes, case-insensitive): “RBNN” or “NoRBNGate”. This will disable spotting based on any of your current Sotawatch alerts or prior self-spots. Your “current Sotawatch alerts” are the ones in which the current time is within 1 hour before or 3 hours after their estimated time of arrival. If you have alerts entered for times farther out into the future, RBNGate spotting will resume for those. It will also resume if you spot yourself again and do not include “RBNN” or “NoRBNGate” in the comment for your self-spot.

Other than that, Eric will have to dig in and sort it out!


In reply to G4ISJ:

“Are you sure you only put +24?”

No, not entirely Pete. I’m quite sure I got the alert right but not pig headed enough to blame the system, to err is human. I posted the alert for 26/05/13 which was 10 days ago, it’s possible I entered s+240, but I can’t imagine why I would’ve. I read the instructions carefully before setting up this particular alert.

"If I’m on a summit and want to tell RBNGate to stop spotting me, is there any way to do that?

Yes. Spot yourself to Sotawatch and include either of the following anywhere in your spot’s comment (without the quotes, case-insensitive): “RBNN” or “NoRBNGate”. This will disable spotting based on any of your current Sotawatch alerts or prior self-spots. Your “current Sotawatch alerts” are the ones in which the current time is within 1 hour before or 3 hours after their estimated time of arrival. If you have alerts entered for times farther out into the future, RBNGate spotting will resume for those. It will also resume if you spot yourself again and do not include “RBNN” or “NoRBNGate” in the comment for your self-spot."

I’m quite sure this is what I did this afternoon after I noticed a spot spring up on sotawatch, later when I called cq again another spot came up. I don’t know why but I won’t be qrv for a bit because I’m going away. I’ve emailed Eric to ask him to delete the alert for me so there shouldn’t any more problems.



In reply to MM0GYX:

I understand why this happened now, thanks Eric. I did set my alert as s+24, then left a space followed by “2 day wild camp”. It was interpreted as 242 hours. So there you go, now we know.

Eric has advised me to use a non-numerical character after the space following s+24 in this example, in future. He also said he’d try to improve the comment parser in a future version.

Thanks for providing the facility Eric, typical of me to find a way to mess it up <-:

