Mistakes in Log

Hi, I made some mistakes in my log.
I read S instead of H for example How can I correct it…

73 Jaap PA5JD

In reply to PA5JD:
Hi Jaap,

Download your log as a CSV file, make the changes and re-upload it, when happy with the entry delete the old log.


In reply to MW0BBU:

I am also interested in this, as I have the same problem. However, I thought it was necessary to delete the old log BEFORE you could upload the revised version. Am I wrong?

I have always found this a rather cumbersome procedure. I’m always afraid of screwing up my entire Activator record! It would be much better if you could just delete a single QSO in your Activator Log in the database, then enter the corrected QSO manually. At present you can’t … it just says “this activation has already been uploaded”. Maybe something to consider for the next revision?

Walt (G3NYY)

In reply to G3NYY:

I’ve just spotted this Walt and you’e right, you need to delete the old activation 1st.

Edit would be nice but it involves a significant amount of change to how the app works. It could be done but it’s ranked low priority as you can fix errors reltatively easily with the download-edit-delete-upload cycle.

If you’re worried you could always practice this by creating a dummy activation and fixing some records in that so you know how the process works. Just delete the dummy activation at the end. I used to have a hooky copy of Office 2000 on my XP machine and I used Excel from there. But since upgrading to Win7 and a new PC I’ve started using OpenOffice 4 and itruns like a dream. I’ve not found any Office format file it wont read and render yet. I use the spreadsheet all the time and it works for me. For anyone looking for a free spreadsheet program it’s worthwhile checking out.

As for screwing your entire database record… well you’d have to try hard. But for peace of mind here is the backup procedure we have running. Once every day the entire database is backed up to an area of disk not visible from the web. This means that at any time we have a current live database running plus the last 5-10 days backups available on the same machine. Approx. 12 hours later another machine (on a different continent!) connects and copies the latest backup to itself. Once a month, the last backup of the month is renamed and saved.

So we have the last 5-10 days on the database server, plus the last 31 days on another server. We also have an end of month backup saved going back to April 2011. Both these servers connect to the internet at >100mbps so moving the files about only takes a couple of minutes. When we switched servers I spent sometime checking the control panel backup/restore features worked. I’d never had the guts to try it but having a separate server to play with during testing meant I used the commands to confirm I could restore a backup. Something which is nice to know. It takes about 10mins to restore everything.

Ontop of that, I regularly pull a backup down to my home PC and install it locally for experiments and development. So if you were to goof up in a big way I could restore your logs and at the most you would only lose anything logged in the last 24hrs. Now I don’t want to spend my day doing this so whilst I can restore fat-finger-trouble for anyone, I apply a disincentive so that you try not to break things in the 1st place. That disincentive is measured in pints! :slight_smile:


In reply to MM0FMF:

But since upgrading to Win7 and a new PC I’ve started using
OpenOffice 4 and it runs like a dream. I’ve not found any Office
format file it wont read and render yet. I use the spreadsheet all the
time and it works for me. For anyone looking for a free spreadsheet
program it’s worthwhile checking out.


Been using OO for years (since V1.1) and currently on 3.4. The only problem visavis MS Office is that Macros don’t transfer. The RSGB Bandplan opens with a warning message about this but I can read it all OK so don’t know what is missing.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Thanks, Andy. Very helpful.

I also use OpenOffice 4.0.1 (GB), both for word processing and spreadsheets. I find it excellent.

Walt (G3NYY)

In reply to MW0BBU:

Download your log as a CSV file, make the changes and re-upload it,

To be honest I find it easier than that!
I never download the log.
I already have it. I created the CSV file in the first place and it’s already saved and ready at my finger tips!
I have a CSV file for every one of my activations.

If someone notifies me that I have a callsign incorrect, I open my original CSV in Notepad, perform a search for incorrect callsign (ctrl F), modify and save the csv (after usual checks with both soft and paper log). Then at some opportune moment when I’m uploading chaser or activator logs I’ll add the modified CSV into the mix, after deleting the original, and it’s done.


In reply to G4ISJ:

I already have it. I created the CSV file in the first place and it’s
already saved and ready at my finger tips!
I have a CSV file for every one of my activations.

If someone notifies me that I have a callsign incorrect, I open my
original CSV in Notepad, perform a search for incorrect callsign (ctrl
F), modify and save the csv (after usual checks with both soft and
paper log). Then at some opportune moment when I’m uploading chaser or
activator logs I’ll add the modified CSV into the mix, after deleting
the original, and it’s done.

Yes, I think this is easier always provided that you keep the original CSV and can find it. These last two points may well make the download and edit approach easier. Each to his own :slight_smile:


In reply to G4ISJ:

I have a CSV file for every one of my activations.

I do not. Principally because I use paper logging for everything, both /P and fixed station.

When I arrive home from an activation, I simply key in each contact manually to the SOTA online database. Job done.

Walt (G3NYY)

I used to do that - there seemed little advantage in going down the CSV route even for activations of many QSOs. The exception was activations that were also RSGB UKAC entries, where I could save a lot of time by editing the log file emailed from the RSGBCC into the correct SOTA format rather than entering it all again!

Things have changed now. After joining the Tall Trees Contest Group, and rubbing shoulders with some serious DXers, I realised the benefits of proper log keeping to keep track of DXCCs, states, IOTA, QSLs sent/received etc. So I first made sure I got all my SOTA activator QSOs into Logger32 (previously only selected QSOs were put in there as well as the SOTA Database), then I got all states, IOTA, locator etc information in there where possible.

Now I habitually create an Excel spreadsheet after every SOTA outing (or collection of several SOTA outings) and then use the Excel to ADIF converter, and put it in Logger32. Then all my DXCC etc records are up-to-date. I then put that spreadsheet into the correct SOTA CSV activator entry format (a very quick manual job) and upload to the SOTA Database.

A bonus is that every week when I want to update my band totals for G3WGV’s UK CW Table, I can just go into Logger32 - Awards - DXCC, and select ‘All Operators’ and ‘2013’ from the filters - and there are the results.

Regarding correcting mistakes, it might seem a cumbersome process on the face of it, but the more you do the easier and quicker it gets. The amount of time it takes me to retrospectively correct a typo in an activation log is less than two minutes.


In reply to MW0BBU:

Hi Steve and all the other SOTA HAM,
Thank you for all your tips and answers.
I will change my log as you suggested…

Best 73



I just corrected my log FB

Tnx all