Missouri W0M anniversay event Feb 1st

Great time around the state today. We had three summits emitting RF. SF-001 and 004 on the east side and ES-001 on the west side of the state. I have not heard if the two SF peaks succeeded in getting VHF/UHF contact with each other.

I believe all summits eventually worked each other on HF: KK0U, N0MII, N0EVH and KD0MQO. And of course being chased by W4RK, always fun.

Thanks for the enthusiastic chasers today. Great radio fun combined with mild Feb weather and for a winter bonus. Bands from 40 to 17 were all full of stations.

John N0EVH



Hi John,
great to read that you all had fun :slight_smile:
I was on several of those summits in 2015, and still need W0M/SF-001 for complete. But with my simple wire antenna and high city noise, it will not happen soon :frowning:


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Luc, watch for Gary W0MNA in early April as I think he has a trip to SF-001.

All the best. John N0EVH

John, tnx for organizing the event. I was fortunate enough to chase all 3 stations, including you and Frank KD0MQO on ES-001.

73 Paula k9ir

Good work, John and WØM-Team! I saw some familiar calls on the spots page when I came for in lunch from splitting wood but with pending snow storm bearing down on us we had to finish our firewood project and I missed the fun! :smiling_face_with_tear: Expecting the deck to be covered with snow this morning it’s only wet? WXman may have overstated expectations?

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I had a clean sweep of working all of the activators and had a good time doing it. Sorry we could not make it to activate a W0M summit this year. Had to many irons in the fire to be able to get away. It’s on the calendar for next year so hope to be activating a summit then.

Thanks for putting this together.

Gary A. - W0MNA