Miss Spotted - GW/SW-010, (2015-03-10)

This is just a heads up, that yesterday, I was miss-spotted by RBNgate whilst on GW/SW-005.

As you can see below, I appear to have made the transition over to SW-010 miraculously quickly.
(I’m not sure I can keep up with the repayments on my helicopter) :helicopter:

As I remained on SW-005 and never made it anywhere close to SW-010, can I ask the following to check their logs and update as necessary. (you’ll also gain 2 extra chasers points :smile: )
I know quite few asked for Ref confirmation, but for those that missed it, I was definitely on GW/SW-005!

Stations worked after incorrect spot:


Dear Peter,
I sent you a reply via facebook. Perhaps it did not work.
I sending info about my homemade device
The basis of the proven classic design from K1SWL (SW40), DL2FI (Mosquito), radio Wilderness (Sierra)

TRCV’s I built from locally available component base, I did not use the kits.

I added a simple indication of the frequency by OK1HDU.

I added elbug by OK2TEJ.

And in two cases used for elbug paddle from polarized relay

Power is from discarded batteries LiON from notebooks and in one case the battery from the helicopter model, which has been unusable.

Construction of all in one and the price of the lower end.

TRCV last week even longer journey through the hills without charging.

Two radios are a one-band (40m), one radio with replaceable cartridges (40,30,20m).



Thanks Peter. Log is corrected to GW/SW-005. Enjoyed your comment about the helicopter payments. 72 de Scotty KG3W

Thanks Jan.
Sometimes I miss stuff on Facebook. There’s just too much content to keep up with it!
I’ll check back and have a look.
Thanks for the details,