Miro OK1DVM Get well soon!

I am sorry to hear that Miro picked up (cold-induced) a pneumonia and problems at one leg on his activation of OK/JC-063 at 16.05.2014.

Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery, dear Miro!

73 es hpe cuagn sn,
Heinz HB9BCB

Yes, warm wishes for a speedy and full recovery Miro!

73, Barry N1EU

My best wishes to you, Miro.
Best 73 de Guru - EA2IF

Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery, Miro
Regards, Dave, G6DTN

In reply to M0DFA:

Get well soon Miro.
Hope to hear you on the air again before long


In reply to HB9BCB:
Vy sorry to hear this. Get well soon Miro.

73 Gordon/Stu

In reply to G8EMO:

Get well soon Miro.

Best 73,

Mark G0VOF

Thank you Heinz, and Thank you all for your wishes.

73! and cuagn from SOTA


Dear Miro
I just came home from an 12Meter F/JU-Trip and read the sad message!
I also send best wishes for a speedy and full recovery!
73 de HB9BIN, Juerg

In reply to HB9BIN_3:

Thank you very much Juerg


In reply to HB9BCB:
Hi Miro,

My best wishes for a speedy and full recovery Miro!
Hope to hear you soon again from a summit.

Vy 73,
Steffen, DL3JPN

In reply to OK1DVM:

Ahoj Miro,

yesterday I heard you on 80m on VY-033, but my antenna is not effective for this band (10m vertical and in terms of 80m wavelength very short counterpoise), thus the QSO failed.

I wish you a speedy recovery and be back soon on the hills!

Karel OK2BWB

Brzké uzdravení a NSL, Míro , 73! de OK1DPU