Mini SOTA DX'pedition ✨

Epic mini SOTA DX’pedition in Iceland! :sparkles:

Finally the Icelandic weather cleared, we’ve had an awful low pressure rain hanging over us for the past weeks… Was quick to pack my backpack and drove off Thursday evening, just 45 minutes after the last raindrops and clear skies were finally visible :sweat_smile:

Hiked up the 257 m hill Þengilhöfði [TF/NL-210] and set up camp for the night - far away from the trail. Woke up to views of the 8 pointer - 1173 m - Mt.Kaldbakur [TF/NL-048] - which I activated later that afternoon - after activating the one-pointer from my tent first :sparkles: Long hike in all kinds of terrain (berries, swamp, Svalbardstyle-rocks and snow for the last 2 kilometers. …) Amazing views in all directions, what a day! :sunny::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Then headed off for another wildcamp spot, up in the hills somewhere in northern Iceland :sweat_smile: Day after, hiked up 4-pointer - 738 m - Draflastaðafjall [TF/NL-167]. Not as spectacular, and a much longer hike than first anticipated, as the summit I had my eyes on was just a decoy, the real summit was a good 3 km hike further. … :see_no_evil::rofl:

All in all, a fantastic solo trip!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunny: 2 days, 3 summits, 25 kilometers, 2000 meter elevation, 20 QSOs and 13 points in box! :boom: Many thanks to my chasers - and particularly EA2DT & OK2PDT that contacted me on all three summits, and F4WBN & EA1DHB that chased me on two summits :pray:

73 de TF/LA5MUA (JW5MUA)


Wowwww. What a nice trip. I’m jealous….

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What an amazing trip - thanks for sharing! Must have been nice to not worry about polar bears for a change :polar_bear:

Looks like you are having a great summer in Iceland. I definitely plan to go back again - absolutely beautiful place.

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Well done and I’m sure Iceland is on many person’s wish list!!

Looks fabulous.

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Thanks for a great report and photos. :+1:

Geoff vk3sq

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Impressive adventure with overnight stay, very nice landscape !

73 andy DL2DVE

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Nothing mini about your trip. A very real adventure in an amazing wilderness.

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Thanks for your report. I’m glad you finally got some good weather and activated a few summits. I’m heading to Iceland on Saturday and hope to get some SOTA activations done too. Which bands/modes were most successful for you? 73 de VE3RXH, Rob.


Sorry VE3RXH, I’m seeing you message way too late, so you’re probably back from Iceland already - hope you had an amazing trip! 20m worked best for me :+1:

Yes, had an excellent trip thanks and activated 3 out of 4 summits on 20m. Also met some of the IRA folks at their HQ. 73. Rob


Thank you for sharing those brilliant photos! Wow.

Iceland and Svalbard are both on my (someday) bucket list. Oh yeah, and the Faroes. SOTA there looks spectacular!

Thanks again & 72,