Mike, WA6ARA is the newest Mountain Goat in W6!

I’d like to congratulate our newest Mountain Goat in W6 - Mike, WA6ARA! He’s been at this a long time (almost 12 years!) and with a final big push this year, made Mountain Goat yesterday!

Well done, Mike!

W6 Association Manager


Congratulations Mike on achieving Mountain Goat.

Jimmy M0HGY

Congratulations, Mike! Great achievement! Hope to talk with you on 2m FM sometime again in the near future.
Cheers and 73,
Mike K6STR

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Congratulations Mike!

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Congrats, Mike! Glad you made it.
John, K6YK

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Bravo Mike!! Great accomplishment!!

Mike N8XMD

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Congrats Mike, and thanks for the QSOs! :beers:

Always a pleasure to hear you on the air.



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Congrats Mike, happy that you reached this goal.
73 / 42 / 44 de W6LEN / JESS

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Congratulations, Mike!

Way to hit those summits Mike ! Like you I started in 2010 but finally decided to push in the last couple years to hit the 1000 mark. Good job.

Congratulations on MG Mike!

Andy, N4LAG