Mike 2W0YYY - VK pile up


Well done on working the VK pile up.
Thanks for the GW summit.

Andrew, VK1NAM

In reply to VK1NAM:
I was testing my Mountain Top tuner and EFHW I saw Mike’s Spot and he answered me after just one call on 20m using the 20m section of the EFHW and a couple meter long counterpoise wire. We had a chat later from in my shack when his pile up settled down. He has some good pictures on his qrz page.
73 de Ian vk5cz

In reply to VK1NAM & VK5CZ

Thanks for the great reception this morning, guys!

I had two meetings in North Wales today, so I thought it only fair to take in a couple of the GW summits that would almost certainly be unique to the VK chasers. This meant departing from my home QTH at a 0500z in order to be QRV by about 0700z.

It was very busy between VK, EU, and Asia, so plenty to keep me busy.

18 VK’s logged, with the star prize surely going to John VK6NU for chasing me on the 20m band at 0737z on GW/NW-070 Great Orme and again at 1627z on GW/NW-076 Mynydd y Cwm. Well played John, I certainly wasn’t expecting the second contact!

Thanks for the spots… Once again, a fine days radio.

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0YYY:

Yes Mike great to work you, we get nice short path into Europe around 14:00 to 16:00 UTC here in VK6, I also managed to work HB9IN. I’m usually in the shack at that time so if you hear a lowly VK its probably me. Band would be closed to VK1 and 2 at this time I’d expect.

Look for you again.


John VK6NU

In reply to VK1NAM:

Well done on the VK action Mike, I reckon your Antron99 must have 5 elements. Sat here drinking Coonawara red wine & watching the Roosters v Rabbitohs opening game of the NRL season - bliss!

In reply to G1INK:


Think how many contacts you could get if you used a decent antenna :slight_smile:

In reply to M0TUB:
and a decent battery!

In reply to G1STQ:

Believe it or not, Mike has been dragged kicking & screaming into the 21st century and he’s rushed out & bought a 22aH LiFePO4 battery. The weight saving means he can carry more scaffold poles for his antron99 :wink:

In reply to G1INK:
Working Mike again today I might explore my Hustler mobile whip with a ground plane/guy system I set up in the yard a while ago. Don’t know his antenna but he sure has been a good signal the last two time we talked . You guys are taking the “mick” no doubt you know him well as a friend.
good work mike 73 de Ian vk5cz …

In reply to VK5CZ:

You guys are taking the “mick” no doubt you know him well as
a friend.

Knowing them as “friends” may be pushing it a bit, Ian…

Yeah, I know them all very well, in fact, I usually carry their gear up the summits for them :wink:

Thanks for the contact this morning…

73 MIke

In reply to 2E0YYY:

Apologies to the chasers this this morning. It is rare for me to abandon an activation, especially when working dx, in fact it would normally require a minimum of an earthquake, however, abandon it I did.

The WX at the summit of G/SP-004 shining Tor, was extremely hostile. The wind was ferocious and try as I may, I just couldn’t get out of it. The A-99 was blowing all over the place and I was concerned all 28 feet of it would come crashing down. The ice cold clag not only soaked my clothing but also put paid to any chance of a mobile phone or Internet signal.

So, at 0820z I pulled the plug without making a single contact on the 12m band.

It was not all bad news, though. While I was trying (and failing) to self spot on 14.325, I heard CQ SOTA come up on the frequency. It was Brenton VK2DDS/P on VK2/HU-080. I called s2s and the contact was completed, for I think Brentons first SOTA dx contact. I told Brenton I couldn’t get a signal and someone from his pile-up finally spotted me. Once I put a call out on my qrg, three more VK’s called in to qualify the summit.

Qualifying a summit with four VK’s is not an everyday occurrence, so many thanks to Brenton VK2DDS/P, Gerard VK2IO, Matt VK2DAG and John VK6NU for a very special milestone.

17 VK’s worked, three s2s and one mobile, big thanks guys. Many thanks to all the EU chasers for your patience.

Shame the wx spoiled the party but it looks much better for VK’s bank holiday on Monday.

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0YYY:
Hello Mike,

Mark G0VOF spotted you on the SOTA at 07.18 and I put you on the DX-Cluster at 07.32Z and 08.08Z.

Yes shame about the weather but despite the lack of 12M I think you did very well indeed Mike!

Bye for now from sunny and dry East Sussex.
Mike G6TUH

PS: Edit update @ 1754Z. Mike - 12M is wall to wall with stations-almost like 40M at worst! SOTA buried!

In reply to 2E0YYY:

Yeah, I know them all very well, in fact, I usually carry their gear up the summits for them ;-)<<

I think that maybe the wrong guy got the “Sherpa” award :slight_smile:

Mike I even managed to work VK on SSB myself this morning.

73 de Ken G3XQE

In reply to 2E0YYY:

Hi Mike, sorry to hear about that bad wx. condx very good this morning.
your signal was loud into dm/bw, so thanks for the nice s2s !

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN