Mike 2E0YYY

Any one heard any thing from mike just trying to make sure he is in good health has i have not heard him for at least five weeks now would give him a ring but my phone lost all off its contacts last week so here hoping you are in good health mike all the best Dave M3XIE

In reply to -M3XIE:

Hi Dave,

been laid up for three weeks with a nasty bug, which left me with chest infection and cough, so no SOTA…

Finally on the mend…

Worked a few hours from the club house yesterday …can’t belive how bad HF is, even using the beam :frowning:

Many thanks.

73 Mike

In reply to -M3XIE:
Edit: one minute too late…

In reply to 2E0YYY: Get well soon Mike , have missed your dulcet tones on the radio , perhaps HF has gone out in sympathy for ya (poor conditions)
73.s Gez M0NTC

In reply to 2E0YYY:


I too had been pondering your absence so Dave brought it up at an opportune moment.

Glad you are on the mend. There seem to be some nasty bugs around this year; the one I got in April left me feeling absolutely shredded so take it gently. We have missed your reliable source of s2s contacts so look forward to speaking again soon.


In reply to 2E0YYY:
Get well soon Mike!


Glad to hear your ok Mike, hope to hear you back out on the hills soon. Take it easy fellah!

73s John M6BLV.