Michael DB7MM.. now there are 5.. baaaahhhhh

Michael @DB7MM reached his 5th mountain goat today with the activation of the Hirschenstein DM/BM-006 :+1: Unfortunately, despite the announcement, I could not be there for this milestone. Congratulations Michael on reaching it! :goat: :mountain: :tada: Your statics speak for themselves. Your favourite mode is SSB with 270 unique summits and over 750 activations in 6 associations. You can see that it’s not just a “little” hobby with you.

You have also made a name for yourself as the AM for DM and are the contact person for the MT, RM and others. Many thanks for your work, time and effort.

I wish you continued fun with the hobby, stay healthy and see you soon again in a QSO - ideally in an S2S :wink:

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Then there are only 589 left…


Herzlichen GlĂźckwunsch - tolle Leistung !!!

Viele Grüße - Armin


Well done, Michael!
73 Fabio

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Congrats Michael with your 5th voice only goat!!!


73, Peter


Congrats Michael!
Excellent achievement!

best 73s

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It was a pleasure for me to meet Michael at his special activation today. We celebrated his milestone with CCOTA (Cupcake&CoffeeOnTheAir) after the activation :smile:

73 de Daniel DM1DF


Hallo Michael,

da ist mehr als ein Hut zu ziehen. Eine ganz große Gratulation!!!

73, Ludwig

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Gratulation und willkommen im Club, Michael! :smile: Und schon seit über 15 Jahren bei SOTA dabei – das nenne ich Hingabe! Bis bald hoffentlich wieder mal bei einem S2S :wink:

73, Manuel HB9DQM

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Congrats, GlĂźckwunsch Michael
thx for all the S2S in SOTA and on the BBTs. It is always a pleasure to hear „Delta Bravo Seven Mike Mike Portable“ from one of the well known Bavarian Forest summits. The Hirschenstein DM/BM-006 was a surely good choice for the celebration today!

73 de Klaus


Määh määh määh määh määh!


PS: Ich wĂźrde ja auch heute Abend noch Ăźber Funk gratulieren, aber sehe, Du drĂźckst Dich.

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Hallo Michael,
Gratulation zu diesem Erfolg und Danke fĂźr S2S Gestern.
WĂźnsche weiterhin alles Gute 73
IW3AGO Heinrich

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Well done & congratulations Michael. Pleased to have worked you on that day.
73 Don G0RQL.

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Gratulation Michael…
Ich freue mich Dich wieder zu treffen, auf den Bändern oder visu.
73 Franz ON9CBQ/DL3RBF

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Great Achievement Michael, and many thanks for your efforts to climb the tower to get me in the log on 2m ! AWDH & AWDS andy DL2DVE


Congratulations Michael to this great Achievement!

Weiterhin viel Spass und 73, Stephan

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This is a remarkable achievement, Michael @DB7MM!

Even more, when we consider that more than 5000 QSOs during your activations were on 144 MHz. You are definitely one of those who keep „2 Meters“ alive. :+1: :+1:

Thank you very much for the many S2S QSOs we had and congratulations to your fifth mountain goat! :clap: :clap: :medal_sports:

I am looking forward to our next contacts, take care. :four_leaf_clover:

Vy 73 de Peter, DM7KN

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Congrats to Michael on the 5th goat and Thank you for the many S2S we have had!
Keep going!

73 Heinz

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Herzlichen GlĂźckwunsch Michael.

Respekt und Anerkennung.

Gruß Michael

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Also from my side congrats to goat #5

Keep up the good work as AM and supporting others.

Hear you soon S2S.
73 Joe


Super Michael, gratuliere zur 5. Mountain Goat

73 Martin, OE5REO

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