Mary N1RKO 1000 Chaser Points!

Congratulations to Mary N1RKO! Glad to make a SOTA S2S VHF contact with Mary N1RKO who reached over the 1000 Chaser points Milestone on August 18, 2023! I was on Pine Mt. W1/HA-106 and Mary was on Sabattus Mt. W1/AM-324!


That figures! Who can forget the movie header for RKO Radio Pictures, with CW and all!
Congrats, Mary!


Congratulations Mary! It was great to meet you at the W1 campout!

73 de Jonathan “JB”

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Congratulations Mary on achieving Shack Sloth.

Jimmy M(M)0HGY

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Mary, so nice to get you in the log from Blue Job W1/NL-024 while you were on Sabattus. Quite a lot of effort goes into making Sloth when most of your points come from Activation’s using VHF.

Congratulations, hope to hear you again soon!

73, Fred WX1S


Hi Ken,
Who could forget the iconic RKO Radio/TV opening. I have often thought that Mary’s call is pretty nice!
73, Fred

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