Marcial EA2WX new Mountain Goat

After almost 9 years and more than 400 activations, our good friend and activator Marcial, EA2WX reached yesterday 1K points.
Marcial EA2WX, Iñaki EB2GKK and me celebrated the event during the activation of the iconic basque summit Gorbeia EA2/VI-001. Although we had HF equipment, we decided to carry on an only VHF activation making QSOs with some of the friends who have been sharing these years with Marcial.
Congratulations, dear OM Marcial!


Congratulations, Marcial, on achieving MG and thank you for all the QSOs along the way.
I hope to join you in the herd in a not too long time. I have some few over 900 points now.
Good luck and I’ll be looking forward to many more QSOs along your way to your 2nd MG.


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Thank you Guru.
Without hunters and activators this would not be possible and I am very grateful to all of them for the good moments of satisfaction on the summits.
You have a few points left to get to also get MG, cheer up Guru! :muscle:


Eskerrik asko.
Thank you very much Mikel for all these years of good times enjoying nature and the radio.
Cheer up and go for the Mountain Goat! Of course we will celebrate it at Mt. Gorbeia :grinning:


Aupa, congratulations Marcial, happy for you and for the S2S, with Ea2 / Bi-065 Arrizurigana …Ec2ag…

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Aupa Antonio, first s2s with my new Mountain Goat status :grin:, thank you very much, we continue to listen on the summits :grinning: :wave:.

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… and I hope to here you again many times in S2S

Armin (at this moment in the wunderful EA2-Land) :grinning:

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Hi Armin, thanks for congratulations.
I hope you are enjoying the EA2 summits, it is an association of high summits in the East area and more modest summits in the West area that also have their charm :grinning:
Enjoy Armin, CU AGN.


Congratulations Marcial on achieving Mountain Goat.

Jimmy M0HGY


Marcial @EA2WX.

Also from me congratulations for reaching the first mountain goat :beers: :goat: :+1: :slight_smile:. Have fun furthermore with the hobby.

73 Marcel DM3FAM



All Best, Ken, K6HPX


Zorionak and congratulations Marcial,
Always a pleasure to work you S2S.
I remember years ago when you started in SOTA and your callsign was EA2BDS, it was surprising to hear a similar call to mine calling me for a qso!!

Well done on your trip to MG and wishing you lots of fun portable for the coming years.
Take care dear Marcial and enjoy 73 de Ignacio


Congratulations for your achievement, Marcial !!!
Keep all good things you have experienced on your long journey to power you towards next step.
Thanks for getting me into this hobby and open my eyes to the high mountains.
73 de Inaki


Hi Jimmy, I am very happy to achieve 1,000 points :goat:, it has been a long journey.
Thank you.


Thanks Marcel, on the way to :goat: :goat: :grinning:.
Yes, most importantly, enjoy the hobby and nature :+1:.

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Hi Ken, thank you very much for the congratulations.
You are very close to the :goat: :goat: :goat: :goat: wow, my best congratulations to you :clap:

We would very much like you to join those 400 moments of enjoyment in the mountains, our congratulations on reaching the MG, which we hope to be able to confirm one day in an S2S.
EA4DOS Elena
EA4DON Alejandro

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Congratulations Marcial !!
Now to continue adding


73 de EA4R Alfonso

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Eskerrik asko.
Thanks Ignacio, there was a time when it was curious to find us calling in a pile-up with our similar call signs, more than one activator would be surprised :smiley:

I will continue to enjoy the radio and the mountains.

Best regards Ignacio, take care.


Eskerrik asko.
Thank you very much Iñaki, little by little we have arrived to :goat: status :grinning:
And Thank you for showing me the SOTA program 9 years ago.
We will continue to enjoy the hobby and nature.
A big hug Iñaki.