
I spotted on the WOTA reflector that Geoff M6PYG has passed his Intermediate exam. Congratulations Geoff on passing this exam and I look forward to knowing what your new callsign will be.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to M0HGY:

Yes, good news for sure. Another radioham has been created due to an interest in climbing hills and mountains and operating in the outdoors as we do.

It was very gratifying to see Geoff successfully sitting his intermediate exam last week and passing with flying colours - especially as he is “self taught”. Onwards and upwards now Geoff to your Advanced Licence - hopefully in 2014. Learning Morse Code can come after that hihi

I’m not sure when Geoff had the brainstorm and decided that he wanted to hold a callsign - the day he got out of bed and said to himself “I’m going to become a radio ham”.

This brainstorm must have happened sometime after fellwalking with me in the Lake District and North Pennines whilst I was activating for WOTA and SOTA. This was after Geoff had scaled around 135 Wainwright Fells (214) and most of the 116 Wainwright Outlying Fells with me and also a good handful of SOTA summits outside the Lake District. He accompanied me on an HF activation of G/NP-012, Baugh Fell in May 2010 and sat against the wall showing absoloutely no interest in what I was doing for a period of almost 90 minutes.

I would therefore like to know what it was that caused Geoff to make the decision to become a ham after showing little interest in what I was doing on summits setting up my gear and talking to the other WOTA and SOTA operators on well over 200 occasions when we were walking together. Maybe it was the champagne on Rossett Pike in July 2011 that went to his head?

73 Phil G4OBK

In reply to G4OBK:

Congratulations indeed Phil. Looking forward to working you with your new call Geoff.


In reply to M0HGY:

Well done, Geoff. The only fly in the ointment is that your present and soon to be superceded callsign has a resonance for all hill walkers who have gone up Snowdon by the PyG track or quaffed in the PyG! The price of progress…


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Well done Geoff. I am sure you will be sorry to lose PYG but it looks as if the 2e0 call is not wasted on its owner.


Hi Geoff

Congratulations on your success.

I’m looking forward to working you under your new callsign and thanks for all those s2s as PYG.

73 de

Allan GW4VPX

Well done Geoff! Roll on January when we can put your new call to the test in the Lake District.

Nick G4OOE