M1EYP - Congrats 2000 activator points!

Well done Tom, just looking for something else and noticed you passed 2000 activator points last Sunday.



In reply to MW0WML:

…and 2000 activator pints too.

Hi Tom

Congratulations on your latest achievement and thanks for all the s2s last year.

73 de Allan GW4VPX

Well done, Tom; I noticed you were getting close.

Hoping for some s2s during the year.

Well thanks all, but I wasn’t even aware of it!

After MG the next target is the 2500 activator certificate so that’s the one I continue to work towards. And 2500 actual activations and 500 activator uniques. Just plodding along.

2000 activator pints? Must be your round then Richard.


You know what this calls for?

Yep. A long list of stats :slight_smile:

Well done.


In reply to G7ADF:
I think a bit of pace-egging is called for to celebrate.

Gwendolyn says well done

Well done Tom & thanks for all the chaser points :slight_smile:

Best 73,

Mark G0VOF

Well done Tom, thanks for all the QSO’s. Here’s to the next 1,000!

Roger MW0IDX

Three more activations to briefly report on from this week:

Tuesday 28th January 2014 - The Cloud G/SP-015

The 6m UKAC night. Participation in the UKACs and 80m CCs could be curtailed somewhat this year with more evening shifts for the XYL, more possible evening stuff for me in my new job, and more gigs with the various bands I play with. However, I did make it out for my first contest of 2014 for the first 6m UKAC.

Unfortunately, conditions were absolutely bobbins. This was compounded by the very cold temperatures, meaning that I elected to remain inside my bothy bag throughout, rather than venture briefly out to alter the orientation of the delta loop!

Hence it was a fairly limited performance of 59 QSOs and a dismal 7 multipliers.

Thursday 30th January 2014 - The Cloud G/SP-015

I found myself at home in Macclesfield at the unusual hour of 1pm, following the completion of an impressively well-organised interview day for a potential new job. It had gone well and I was in a good mood.

The mood dipped incrementally as I reached the summit and realised how darned cold it was! Nonetheless, I plundered through 19 QSOs on 12m, 13 on CW and 6 on SSB. It was too cold for PSK31. 14 of the 19 QSOs were into North America (USA, Canada, Cuba). The following day I found out I had got the job!

Saturday 1st February 2014 - Gun G/SP-013

Dreadful activation this one. An icy cold wind was pushing in from the south-west, so a known sheltered spot under a tree was taken. Just five contacts were managed, 3 on CW and 2 on SSB. Again it was too cold to stomach the idea of PSK31. I really was flogging a dead horse trying to squeeze more contacts out of this activation, so I took up Richard G3CWI’s suggestion of a Spearing’s meat & potato pie (freshly baked) and a meet up with him in SOTAbeams workshop at Paradise Mill in Macclesfield for a welcome mug of tea.


Sunday 2nd February 2014 - The Cloud G/SP-015

Good activation this one. The weather was much milder, and there was no threat of any rain. It was a tea-time activity, added in on my way home from work. Yes, I’d spent all day at work in Stoke catching up on my marking and preparation!

The upturn in weather brought a correlating boost to walker numbers, many of whom took great interest in what I was doing. Fielding questions from them while in a CW QSO is difficult though!

Anyway, 30 QSOs on 12m, with 11 on SSB and 19 on CW. 26 of the 30 QSOs were into North America.