M0MDA - Chaser 10K

Congrats Mick on passing 10K chaser points.
Well done.
Mike G6TUH

Congratulations Mick on achieving the Super Sloth.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to G6TUH:

Hi Mike and Jimmy,

Thanks very much for your congratulations.

I would like to thank all the activators for their efforts and I hope for many more summits in the future.

73 de Mick M0MDA

In reply to G6TUH:

Well done Mick always a pleasure to work you from the summits :slight_smile:

Hope to catch you on the next outing at the end of Feb

73 de Paul G4MD

In reply to G4MD:

Hi Paul,

Thanks very much for all our QSOs. I will be listening for you during your February outing, I hope 60m isn’t too noisy at my end.

73 de Mick M0MDA

Congratulations from me too, Mick.

Hope for lots more contacts during 2014.


In reply to M0MDA:
Well done Mick, welcome to the 10K club. I got there very recently myself in just under 2 years of chasing.

Victor GI4ONL

In reply to M0MDA,

We’ll done Mick. Always a pleasure to work you.

73 Chris M0RSF

Well done Mick.

Always nice to hear M0MDA in those pileups when I’m on a summit.

Looking forward to the next contact.

73 Allan GW4VPX.

In reply to GW4VPX:

Congrats Mick. Hope to work you again soon.

Karen 2E0XYL

In reply to 2E0XYL:

Well done Mick, always nice to hear you on the 12m band.

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0YYY:

Many thanks to everybody for their responses to this post. I look forward to many more contacts in 2014 and beyond.

73 de Mick M0MDA