M0JLA wrong hill


Today the wrong summit was spotted although the correct one was alerted.

We (M6BWA/P and M0JLA/P) were both on G/WB-022 Seager Hill in Herefordshire.
I repeated the summit reference frequently as I usually do but only became aware of the problem at a late stage when a chaser confirmed the wrong reference and did not return when given a negative report.

Sorry if this means some unique chases need deletion.


In reply to M0JLA:

This morning at around 10:00 UTC M0IML/P was spotted on both G/SE-015 and G/SE-013 within a 10-minute interval. I still do not know which of the two summits he was actually on! This is not the first time this has happened with this particular activator.

Walt (G3NYY)

In reply to G3NYY:

both G/SE-015 and G/SE-013

I took a quick look at the spots still visible. They all put M0IML/P on G/SE-015. The spot posted just after 10am for G/SE-013 also gives an incorrect activator callsign…

73, Rick M0LEP

In reply to M0LEP:
But when I worked Barry he said G/SE-013

In reply to M0JLA:

But when I worked Barry he said G/SE-013

Hmmm… Confusion reigns, then… His self-spots said G/SE-015 Cheriton.

73, Rick M0LEP

In reply to M0LEP:
Well when I spoke to Barry I didn’t ask him for the reference.
The caller before me however was someone in Dover.
Barry told him he was just a stones throw away, on Cheriton Hill near Folkestone.
That would seem to tie in with Barry’s self spot of SE-015!


In reply to G4ISJ:

I see that Barry’s log on 08/04/2014 is for G/SE-015.
