Louloudakis SV/CR-033

I picked this peak as I figured it was close to our accommodation and one of the shorter walks which would allow me to get a feel for what the walking would be like.

I managed to gently drive our hire car to a high point up a rough track. Amusingly used by “Land Rover Safari” groups… it wasn’t that rough… honest.

From there we walked a few hundred metres along a track to a goat/sheep corral before setting off towards the summit. Initially up rocks following goat tracks, before the angle quickly relented.

There were no paths to follow across the Limestone pavement, just picking up the goat tracks when they went the right way.

We were at the summit in about 1hr15min after carefully walking across the exposed rock.

I used the trig point to support the 6 metre carbon mast for the EFHW. Then plugged in the KX2 with ATU.

Conditions were not sparkling and I failed to make any contacts back to the UK, despite trying several bands at the request of the GW contingent.

I did get 13 contacts, all on 20m SSB, including two nice S2S.

I spotted myself on 40m and got… zip.

After a bit to eat we walked off back to the car.

A great introduction to walking in Crete.

Track on SOTA Mapping

Interesting flowering plant on the side of the track shortly after we started. Sue’s hand for scale!

Very low reservoir.

Summit operating position.

View east.

Lasithi Plateau

Carefully walking down on the Limestone pavement.

I just loved the symmetry of this Holly Oak. The lower branches nibbled by the goats!

The track leading down from the goat/sheep corral.

Sign for the ancient Minoan path that runs down from the col. It was the route taken by the Minoans to reach the Lasithi Plateau.

Parking spot… who needs a 4x4 ha ha