Lost and Found

I have just received a letter through the post. It contained my YHA membership card, and a covering letter from Rob G4RQJ and Audrey, who found it on the grass verge by the parking spot for View Edge G/WB-018!

Quite remarkable stuff! Many thanks Rob & Audrey for getting it back to me. BTW, you didn’t happen to notice my Co-op members card anywhere did you???


In reply to M1EYP:
I lost a £20 note on a hill recently. If anyone finds it I am QTHR.

In reply to G3CWI:

£20 pah!

I’ve lost 30 years. In September 1983 I was preparing to leave home for the 1st time for university. Now after a mere blink of the eye I see retirement not that far away on the horizon.

If anyone finds my 30 years I’d love to have them back!


30 years? Luxury. We used to live in a lake, our father would wake us up 30 minutes before we went to bed and make us lick the road clean with us bare tongues.

I lost £20 note on a hill recently. If anyone finds it I am QTHR.

You must hereby declare which hill Richard!

I see retirement not that far away on the horizon.

Lucky you. For every year of my working life, it seems the retirement age is raised a year as well.


In reply to MM0FMF:

see retirement not that far away on the horizon.

Mine’s a year further away than it was a week (or so) ago… :wink:

73, Rick M0LEP

I have lost a green pullover during my recent activation of DM/BM-329. Can the next activators please keep lookout for it and return it to me in case they find it?
Unfortunately apart from one exception I am the only activator of DM/BM-329. So the impact of this post will be quite limited.
Perhaps we need a special DM/BM-329 challenge like on 12m with bonus points for activators returning my pullover?
In this case I am willing to lose the pullover several times so more activators can gain the bonus points.

73 de Michael, DB7MM

In reply to DB7MM:

Very good Michael 8))+ ;
Mike G6TUH

To all Activators:

If anyone goes up Foel Goch GW/NW-039 and finds a red soft handled Leki walking Pole then it’s mine. I left it at the trig point on the 3rd September. I very doubt it will still be there now…I am down to one pole so it looks like another purchase will be have to be made.

When we descended I knew I had left it there but with a tight schedule for the rest of that day planned I decided to let it go and save around one hours time retrieving it.

73 de Phil G4OBK

On the activation of Snowdon GW/NW-001 in 2003:


…either me or Jimmy (we can’t remember who) let a red foam sitting mat go momentarily. The wind scooped it up and off it flew away from the summit.

On this activation of Mynydd Nodol GW/NW-048 in 2008:


…we found a red foam sitting mat in the grass by the wall at the parking spot. Further inspection revealed the same doodles Liam had scratched into the mat with his fingernail when he was five years old! It was ours - five years later, and by a different SOTA summit!

How cool is that?


In reply to M1EYP:
Amazing Tom.

I reckon someone found it, used it for some years and then lost it again.


PS Lost to the wind on Dufton Pike on 27 December 2008, one blue sit mat and one Trekmates winter glove.

In reply to M1EYP:
30 years? Luxury. We used to live in a lake, our father would wake us up 30 minutes before we went to bed and make us lick the road clean with us bare tongues
You were lucky to live in a lake.Our dad used to beat us to death with a broken bottle if we wo lucky.Geoff

In reply to G6MZX:

Hello Geoff, put the link below in case someone thinks your history is true…I hope not. 8)

Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6MZX:

Geoff, it’s worse. Not only I have lost 30 years which I know about, I’ve lost another 3 years I didn’t even know where missing. I started uni in 1980 not 1983! By September 1983 I’d graduated and started work.

This is as bad as when discussing ages once at work, about 15years back. I commented how old I’d be next birthday and a work colleague point out he was a year younger than me and was already that age. I had a sinking feeling when I realised Old Father Time had mugged me for a year when I wasn’t looking.

If only H.G. Wells had published the plans for his time machine rather than writing about use of it!


In reply to G6TUH:

I lost my mojo.

ps isnt it strange theres no uk activators out today.

In reply to G1INK:

Hope you find it :wink:

Not strange - weather here - non stop rain and 10C.

12 open to JA today you should have been out Steve with waterproofs on!

Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

With the wind up here if Steve had fitted sails to his mast he’d be in JA by now!


In reply to MM0FMF:

Yes blowing down here as well. Is paragliding within the rules :wink:
Will listen for Denis VA2IEI/P, then time is up for something warming.
Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

I think you’ll find that it is not within the spirit of the rules to be above the summit - activators are supposed to be on it. Unless of course they are running VHF and there’s a lift on! :wink:

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to G1INK:

ps isnt it strange theres no uk activators out today.

I was up the Merrick today GM/SS-028. Marshaling the annual hill race. Temp 8°C, wind average 55mph gusting ??? (meter stops at 88mph!!!), rain going uphill. I cancelled top section of race and informed turn around at Benyellary. Great day for 25th anniversary race.

So I was on 144.775MHz but never heard many chasers or S2S.

Neil 2M0NCM

P.S. All made it safely back so haven’t lost anything on the Merrick.