Yes that’s right. You don’t really know if it’s working until it’s actually been received but it sounds promising.
just been for a ride around the tops in the car, sadly nothing has received it could see the display changing though, so its definately transmitting ETC! took a while for it to see the sattelites, but now its receiving GPS like a champion!
keep an eye out for 2E0JWA-1
Did you remember to set the Tx (& Rx) frequency to 439912500?
I’ll set up my IGate tomorrow, pointing your way.
ahaaaa discovered why it wasnt heard, it was set too LoRa EU, changed in menu to LoRa uk fingers crossed now!!
Hahahaha!! ITS ALIVE!!!
Changing the mode to UK seems to have done the trick!!
Yes. The RSGB instructions miss out setting the right frequency at the end.
haha Brilliant Thanks for switching it on for me Ross, I should have my own IGate setup next month when i can get a board! will have a HUGE coverage once setup!
Sounds good. It’s definitely more interesting when you set up your own igate.
Difference between APLT00 and APLRT1 in the packets from trackers
Does anyone with much more technical know-how than me understand the difference between the syntax APLT00 and APLRT1 which I see in the packets broadcast by trackers and received by iGates?
Could it be different boards doing different things? Or something else? I have tried searching, but my Google-fu is coming up blank.
Those are “Device IDs”, see: GitHub - aprsorg/aprs-deviceid: APRS device identification data: tocalls.txt + mic-e-types.txt current master allocations (YAML, JSON, XML)
which define the vendor, model, OS, etc of the unit.
If you look at the “Station info”, it decodes (most of) them for you:
Thanks Ross that Github link is great. So it’s basically the firmware running on the board. I just found this which is linked from the link you posted, and confirms that as well, but is missing “APLRT” for Ricardo’s firmware (seems that page is no longer the reference anyway).
It could also indicate software, for example, the DireWolf V1.7 (soundcard modem):
I think that’s exactly what I meant !
I am hoping to get up G/LD-025 tomorrow, perhaps staying the night on the summit. I plan to install one of my digipeaters.
I read above about a low power consumption version of the formware…does anyone know if it has merged into the main branch, pr do I have to download from elsewhere.
Currently running the August build from the web flasher.
You’re also hitting GW4BML-10 in Mid-Wales @2E0JWA Alan, a good distance too!
Thats Amazing!! 88 miles!!
Thanks Ben
Hello OMs,
I know most of you are from Europe, but I just want to share some exciting news from Malaysia. We’ve just installed a LoRa APRS digipeater on Bukit Dinding, SOTA 9M2/KL-002, Kuala Lumpur last week. This is the first LoRa APRS digipeater installed on a SOTA summit in Malaysia, marking a significant milestone for amateur radio in the region.
tracker is working well locally, but now im up in the lakes and its useless! there is just no igates or digipeaters in the Chorley, Preston, Blackburn, Darwen, Blackpool, Wigan, Southport, Morecambe, Lancaster or the south lakes areas… oh well…
Ill have my Igate in Oldham open next month, then I might set to building one for 'rents place on Walney! would cover alot of the south lakes, and fylde/lune coasts! just need to warm my dad to the idea, as the chalet park they live on has an antenna ban, so need to be discreet!
Maybe the antenna is something he needs to monitor his health and send the results to his doctor’s surgery? Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.
yea, that might be the way forward… mind you a small 70Cm band Jpole will be almost un-noticeable! it would work perfectly on top of his TV aerial pole! i could even hide it in the tree in his back garden!