Looking for Recommendations in Provence

I’m going to be in Toulon, France for work at the very beginning of May. I’ll likely try to hit one or two of the local summits near Toulon city center during the week while in Toulon. I am also planning to stay a couple extra days on the back end. Ideally, I’d like to find a nice B&B type of accommodation in the countryside somewhere in Provence. I’ve found a few places that look interesting but I’d be interested to know if anyone has any recommendations. Thank you in advance.


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Hi Gus, @W9SSN

You can contact @F6HBI Gérald maybe he can help you :wink:

73, Éric

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Hello Gus, hello Eric,
This is Gerald F6HBI, i am a F/AM addict activator but i do not know well the area around Toulon.
I had a look at Sotl.as and found that all summits around Toulon city have been activated by local OMs.
About a B&B, Provence is very wide, the only place i stayed is a AirBnB (no breakfeast!) in Valensole, which is a long way from Toulon. I was there last january for the french contest (1641 QSO).

73 from Gerald F6HBI


Mercí, Gerald! It looks like there are several 1-pointers around Toulon. I will probably do a couple while there at the Arsenal for work. I think I might head up to the east of Aix-en Provence and try for Pic des Mouches F/CR-142 - that looks like a real interesting formation with great views. There are a few B&Bs in the area and its not to far from MRS to I can easily drive down in the morning to make my 11 am return flight after spending a couple of days. If I were spending more time, I would head to the Pyrenees for some proper SOTA and maybe attempt a bike up the Toumalet, although the later is probably beyond my current capabilities on a bike lol, but its usually my favorite stage on the tour when they go up it.


Have you driven in France (or Marseilles) before? It’s a bit of a contact sport most of the time and especially so in the rush hour. :oncoming_automobile: :crazy_face: :articulated_lorry:

Just saying leave a lot more road time than you think you’ll need.