Looking for an EDH-5 battery Box for my Alinco DJ-F1E

Not sure if im allowed to ask this, but im sure i’ll be told one way or another!

For my 2m FM activations I use my venerable old Alinco DJ-F1E handheld, usually with a ‘Super-rod II’ telescopic whip (which I seem to have mislaid at present!)

I have only one good battery for this radio. Now, many years ago, I had an EDH-5 Dry Cell battery box for it, into which I could put six AA’s. This was a great fall back. Nowadays I have lots of AA NiMH cells - but no battery box!

If anyone has one of these battery boxes they would be willing to part with i’d love to hear from them!

Ive searched and searched but cant find one!

Martin G7MRV

It doesn’t seem an unreasonable request Martin especially as you can now sort messages into subject types such as Equipment or Off Topic so nobody is going to be surprised by the content and if anyone has one they can PM you.

I did a quick search and like you found nobody advertising one. If you can’t put you hands on one you could always seek out a NiCd pack that has seen better days and stuff that with good cells. Strikealite used to refill packs if you don’t feel up to splitting an existing pack yourself.