Long distance APRS

While on GW/NW-051 and GW/NW-044 at the weekend I had my FT3D with me.
Some interesting APRS packets received

277.2 - miles away
929mph ?

284.5 - miles away

Long distance APRS or some interesting signal bouncing?


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Probably some infrastructure set up wrong and relaying packets incorrectly. Seen it several times on 2m APRS.

That’s a possibility, certainly some weirdness going on.

Well, GM0HBK-10 is a LoRa iGate (on 70cm), so you wouldn’t have been receiving that directly on 2m.
Similarly, GM4VAC-8 is running APRSDroid via the internet, not on RF.


At that speed, there’s only one logical explanation …. warp engines offline, using impulse power to rise to a higher orbit, the helm is answering but is a little sluggish. Uhura reports that there is no response on any standard Starfleet channels; however, she is getting something on low bands – it’s in old-style Morse Code but it doesn’t make any sense: “cq cq calling sota ….”


I discovered those bits of info as well which makes it even more strange.

It’s something more local relaying packets from the internet. I used to regularly receive packets (2m APRS) from the north of Scotland while walking over Shining Tor. Initially I thought it was some sort of lift but after it happened a few times I realised that it was something else. However I never discovered where they came from.

I’ve been out on summits and noticed that the last received message on my tracker was from G3CWI-something. This seemed completely out of range. When I got home I found from aprs.fi that it had been digipeated


How about this for LoRa APRS - look at the “Longest Distance” column:

But that was from a German pico-balloon, flying at about 10km altitude across Northern England:

When I first spotted it, I wondered why it was only being received by a couple of stations in the East Midlands and not by any other iGates in the country. I deduced that they were on an alternative frequency and guessed 433.775 (a popular EU APRS channel), so I re-tuned my iGate to listen for it.