Long awaited return to SOTA and greeted with many S2S

I suffered a torn quadricep tendon from a hiking accident late January. Surgery was required so have been out of SOTA commission for some 4 months. It’s been a long, gruelling recovery and only very recently felt strong and able enough to hike up and back a very short climb to one of our easier local summits on southern Vancouver Island.

Thanks especially to all the S2S ops who were out in full force today in North America - mostly on 17m -and also to F4WBN who always has an amazing signal here on the West Coast! I really enjoyed getting back into the swing of things and hope to activate many more of the minor summits in this part of the world.

What a fantastic part of amateur radio this is!


Hi Larry
Sorry to have missed you but glad you are on the trail again. I look forward to some activations from Sooke up to Port Renfrew from you in the future. I have happy memories from this area.

Please come back to the Santa Fe area again. Plenty of guys here ready to activate with you.

73, Doc K7SO

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Hi Larry,
Very happy to have been able to renew the contact and good repair for your health, our most precious good !
Looking forward to another contact.
Very best regards,
Chris F4WBN