At the moment there are more and more reports from hikers who have encountered a wolf living in the northern Black Forest. For us SOTA fans, this concerns the Hornisgrinde, the Badener Höhe and the high Ochsenkopf. There is NO increased risk for humans, but if someone is doing SOTA together with a dog, they should watch out, because the wolf is looking for a mate and particularly likes to approach dogs in heat, but also seems to be interested in skiers…
Recommendations for action from the local authorities:
Information on wolves in the Hornisgrinde region
In the Hornisgrinde region, encounters between humans and the male wolf
male wolf GW2672m have been reported. The animal appears to be primarily interested in dogs
dogs. The approach is to be seen in connection with the upcoming breeding season
and the fact that no female wolf willing to mate is currently living in the territory.
The wolf may also display territorial behaviour at this time (pre-ranching). The wolf expresses its territorial claim to dogs through increased marking or brash behaviour. This behaviour can continue until March.
Anyone who encounters the animal should give clear signals and act decisively by shouting loudly, for example. Throwing stones or sticks in the direction of the wolf also makes it
the animal that it is not wanted. Dogs should be kept on a lead or kept in the immediate vicinity.
The documented behaviour of the wolf GW2672m during the reported encounters
does not pose an increased risk to humans.
In order to keep an eye on the individual, the Forest Research Centre (FVA) is asking people to report sightings and encounters:
0761/ 4018 - 274
Further information
General information on wolves in Baden-Württemberg can be found at
Further behavioural advice for encounters between humans and wolves can be found here:
The state’s wolf management plan is available at
Peter DL3NAA