
I tried to look at my logs in the database and It seems that all the logs from past years were removed from the database. Whats happen?
Thanks for help
Andre f5ukl

You are looking at the last 12months of activation logs or 6 months of chaser logs. Click the “Year” drop down and select the period you want to review. This is the same as with the previous database.


Bonsoir Ă  tous :raised_back_of_hand:
Est-il utile Monsieur Richard @G3CWI de mettre un “J’aime” à la réponse qu’Andy @MM0FMF a fait à André @F5UKL ?
Cela rime Ă  quoi ? Je ne comprends pas !!
Vous ne pensez pas que n’étant pas natif de votre pays on peut avoir quelques difficultés à comprendre certaines choses dans votre langue ?
Je ne pense pas enfreindre le code de déontologie du SOTA en m’offusquant de cela, mais je trouve que c’est déplacé et je me dois d’attirer l’attention du responsable @G8ADD de la bonne marche, ou du moins à la compréhension du côté cosmopolite de cette magnifique organisation qu’est le SOTA :+1: (dont vous êtes semble-t-il le cofondateur)
Je ne me suis pas exprimé dans la langue de Shakespeare car je ne voulais pas la martyriser, mais avec l’ami Google vous saurez ressentir mon message, du moins je l’espère ! Sinon je ne sais pas quoi vous proposer…
Avec toute mon amitié bien entendu !
Truly Éric F5JKK

Someone asked a question and someone else gave an appropriate answer. If you find my liking that offensive, then you have some unusual issues. Unless I have misunderstood your post.

Hi Andre,

It s a pity no copy today at my side :frowning:
My be S2S next time.

73, Jarek SP9MA

It looks like you have two different accounts on SOTAData. Probably some of your logs are attached to one account, and some to the other.

I will email you directly to help fix the problem.


Josh WU7H

I wrote “past years”. I think it means from the beginning of my sota activity!
WU7H write me the answer to the question, thanks!

Hello Jarek.
I hear you calling once and you were in the background 119.
Best 73 and see you soon again!

1 Like

The first activation for you I can find from the database is

Date Own Callsign Summit QSOs Points Bonus Points Total
2008-01-21 F5UKL/P F/PO-246 (Soum de Cams) 27 1 0 1
2008-02-07 F5UKL/P F/PO-236 (Sommet de Cambillou) 45 1 0 2

First chase:

Date Time Own Callsign Activator Worked Summit Summit Name Band Mode Points Total Notes
2007-12-28 10:01 F5UKL/QRP F5IUZ/P F/CR-209 Montagne de RĂ©gagnas 7MHz CW 1 1

Are you saying there are older logs missing?

  1. Select date in year drop down
  2. Click show

Same as it has always been.