Logging from Sotawatch Spots. Little Issue...

Not sure if this has come up before or not. A little Quirk I found at UTC Rollover this morning.

I worked Compton VK2HRX just before UTC rollover 23:57. I used his spot to log the Contact. I then worked him again at 00:00 UTC by using the previous spot for the info. When I checked the Database I got no points for the Contact. I deleted it and then using another spot which was posted by Andrew VK1AD at 00:03 I loaded that and then edited the time to 00:01 and got the points okay. I first thought there was an error that it was not seeing 00:00 as a new day. But thinking about this during the day I see what the problem is.

If you use a posted spot to log a contact and the spot was just before UTC like 23:58 and you worked that station at 00:02 The date will be the day the spot was posted and not the new day.

Maybe this is well known, but just thought I’d mention it.


John VK6NU


Isn’t the error that when you changed the time from 23:57 to 00:00 you didn’t also change the date?

I worked him twice, at 23:57 and 00:00 so I should have had points for both contacts as It was a new day. Forget the 2 contacts above as an example SEE Below.

If you use a spot that was posted at 23:59 UTC for logging a contact that was made just after UTC rollover it uses the date that the spot was made, not the new date, the contact was made. The time will show correct at 00:02 or whatever it just looks like you made the contact the previous day. Its just something you have to be careful with when logging contacts from Spots around UTC Rollover. I’m talking about logging on the fly as you make the contact not loading it in later.

