Like to say THANK YOU

Dear Friends on SOTA
I like to say THANK YOU for the last 18 Months of contact with S2S and chasers.
In the last 18 month a lot of frienship over whole europa has grown.
And THANK YOU for all congratulations to the 2500 S2S points.
It is allways a pleasure for me to be on a summit together with Chris DL1CR.
May 2023 be a good year for all of us.


Wonderful sentiment Uwe. I agree. I have many good friends purely because of SOTA. I’ve also developed my knowledge and understanding of things in the hobby like propagation, building antennas, contesting, DXing, datamodes, CW etc through advice and mentoring in this community. In fact I suspect several AR interests may never have even started were it not for SOTA. It’s fantastic!


Hi Uwe, like wise we have all learnt a lot from sota and always a pleasure working you activators who go out in rough weather to keep us guys going in our nice warm shacks, well done on the points and here’s to the next to bring you up to 5000 and onwards. 73 Don. G0RQL.