Lightweight vertical

Relaxing first summit test of my ultralight 40-10 loaded vertical. Weighs in at 320 gms including coil, 2.5m whip, radial set, and cmc choke. Changing bands is as fast as with my magloop. I have a dozen more prototypes under construction. JS6TMW


Have you had a look at the Force 12 Bravo series of antennas by N6BT? It might give you some additional ideas.



I use these telescopes for my projects and I can highly recommend them. 4.5 or 5.6 m long.

73, Peter - HB9PJT

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Thanks Peter. The 2.5m and 5.7m antennas are of fine quality considering they are a fraction of the price of better-known brands. I had also looked at the golf ball retriever poles, but they apparently have no threaded mount.

Hello Steve, I have also prepared a similar antenna, with the 2,5m telescopic whip.

Could you add a bit more info about the coil and the choke?
Any picture and detail would be appreciated, thanks
73 Ignacio

Interesting layout. Could you publish a schematic ? I have a single wire antenna I use. It is two 16 ft sections (2 x 1/4 wave on 20m) divided by a 13.5 mHz trap. It is resonant on 40, 20, 15 and 10. 40= a 1/4 wave, 20 = two 1/4 waves isolated with high impedance trap, 15=3/4 wave, and 10m = a full wave length. 40, 20 and 15 are low impedance match at the base, and on 10m I add a 49:1 matching xfmr to bring the high impedance of a full wave down to match. A ground plane of 16 ft and 32 ft seem to work well. Since it is a wire I can fly it in a tree or attach to telescoping pole where necessary. I haven’t weighed it but with #24 wire it isn’t very heavy.

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Unfortunately, the fact that the 4.5 m long golf ball retriever has no thread is a problem. I helped myself by inserting the telescope into an aluminum tube with holes. I put rubber parts in the holes, which I then press onto the telescope with hose clamps. I also use the hose clamps to make the mechanical connection to the rest of the antenna. I prefer the golf ball retriever because it is very short when retracted and fits into a small case for transportation. And it is very robust.

73, Peter - HB9PJT