Lennart's birthday party on DM/NS-008

Today there were three of us on the Schalke DM/NS-008 summit. Together with Uwe DK8OA and Lennart DD0LT we left the car at home and came to the summit in an environmentally friendly way by train and bus and of course on foot.

Suddenly there was delicious cake on the table and Lennart surprised us that it was his birthday.

After our happy birthday song, we gave him a spot on Sotawatch.
The subsequent pile up was then your gift for Lennart.

What a successful activation and eco-friendly too.
That’s how it should be.

73 Chris


Hello Lennart, Chris and Uwe,

happy birthday to Lennart, I hope you have enjoyed your Birthday activation!
Thanks for the S2S QSO with you three.
73 Lutz