Lebannon calling

I noticed this one :-

Tuesday 18th February 2014
08:30 OD/HB9JOE/P on OD/BE-003 7-14-21-28-cw-ssb
HB9JOE Visiting OD5RI and OD5KU (Posted by OD5KU)

I think it is significant in SOTA. True?

The boys and I will be on Wendover Hill later in the morning doing SOTA [probably] so will likely miss the S2S. I wish Andreas, Riri and Elie all the best for a successful activation.


David M0YDH

In reply to M0YDH:

Mmmm, certainly would be significant David. There maybe just one or two chasers interested in that activation. :wink:

Lebannon is considered to be Asia which will probably be a new SOTA continent for many people as the only SOTA associations also in Asia are S2-Bangladesh and HL-Korea.

Play nice everyone.


Hi Andy,

S2 does not have a SOTA association.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to M0HGY:

S2 does not have a SOTA association.

ITYM S2 does not have an active association.

S2 exists as an entity in the database, it has an association number and continent reference. Admittedly, it doesn’t have much else. Ergo, S2 has an association.


In reply to M0YDH:

As of February 2014, Mobile permits in Lebanon are activated again by the authorities and the army is allowing us to transport mobiles and handhelds in our cars again

So be prepared, you will be seeing more and more activations from the Lebanon OD


John Gibran, OD5RW
Lebanon Association Manager

In reply to OD5RW:

That’s good news John.

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to OD5RW:

Very good news, John. I hope to work from Lebanon someday :slight_smile: What is the procedure to get a permition to work from Lebanon? Is CEPT licence OK, or do we need extra papers to bring a radio station to Lebanon and work from there?

73, Milos S57D

In reply to MM0FMF:

Sorry Andy, I’m going to have to agree with Jimmy on this one. Test question: When a S2 ARM appears (if it ever does) will the launch date be in the future or the past?


Hi John,

Looking at the SOTA Database, none of the OD SOTA summits have been activated since when SOTA first started in OD back on the 1st September 2008. It is good to hear that there will be now SOTA activity in OD. Does this mean that there will be regular SOTA activity in OD and that all 16 SOTA summits in OD will be activated?

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to OD5RW:

Hello John,

I have worked Lebanon on 20, 15 and 12 but of course these have all been base stations and the most recent this year were using 100w. When you say -

As of February 2014, Mobile permits in Lebanon are activated again by
the authorities and the army is allowing us to transport mobiles and
handhelds in our cars again

Do you just mean only hand held radios or for example permission is available for HF rigs such as the 897, 817 etc. ?

Mike G6TUH

In reply to S57D:

Unfortunatly CEPT license is NOT ok in Lebanon yet

You need extra papers to be filled and a “3 month lasting” procedure for the MOT to answer you

You better not bring a radio with you, we will lend you one :slight_smile:


John, OD5RW

In reply to G6TUH:

Permission was available for all Lebanese hams to operate from their known base stations, but all mobile activity was on hold, until now. New permits have been released in which we need to specify the radio brand and model and even serial number ! And yes these can be 897s and 857s or even just handhelds, but any radio present in any car should be mentioned on these new permits…


John, OD5RW

In reply to OD5RW:

Thanks John for very quick answer. In case I will travel to your country, may I ask you for the assistance to get OD licence and of course to lend small radio station?

73, Milos S57D

In reply to S57D:

Sure thing Milos. Battery, Antenna and Radio


In reply to OD5RW:
Thank you, John. I belive you will be very popular among SOTA community :slight_smile:

73, Milos S57D

In reply to OD5RW:

“…And yes these can be 897s and 857s or even just handhelds…”

Thanks for the confirmation John.
Best wishes
Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:This may be of interest.

In reply to G6MZX:

Andy HB9JOE made it on the air today and was QRV from Lebanon Beirut Region, OD/BE-003 and was worked on 20m SSB (weak sigs in UK 33) but was R5 later in the morning on 15m SSB.


73 Phil

In reply to G4OBK:

I’m looking forward to when this is logged so I can finally see some content in the OD Association daily/monthly reports.

So a new association on the air, a new continent on SOTA for most chasers and a whole shed load of VK activations chased by Europeans. Not a bad day for some!

Jealous, moi?


In reply to G4OBK:

I believe Mike 2E0YYY got a s2s contact from Gun Hill.