LD S2S Weekend activation of G/SP-004 Shining Tor

Originally planning for a G/LD Summit at this weekend, we had altered our plans to try to activate Elaines Favourite Sota Summit of Shining Tor.

This is the only summit she said she would do in the Snow :face_with_peeking_eye:

We decided to book a Premier Inn for Friday and Saturday Night, as driving any major distance is a challenge for me at present. this meant we would sleep the night before and again after the activation on Saturday. Our idea was to grab some S2S from LD land up there.

This is the view from the park spot, room for 4 or so vehicles, just off the main road close to the start of the path.

Not far from the park spot, the path most of the way is craggy and some scree, but level till you reach the signpost where you turn left to head up the incline towards the summit and its trig. Top left is the final destination in the distance.

Signpost showing 3 directions you can wander, we came from Cat & Fiddle and now going left to head up to the Tor.

Almost there now, you can see the Trig poking its head above the parapet, looking newly painted?! The walk from the Signpost to here was never a challenge for me in the past, but now I took a lot longer than I did a few years back.

Setup the KX3 on a handy secure shelf :wink: attached the Fishing pole to the signpost fitted with the EFHW Wire stretching above the wall to the left and my Ground Wire along the base of the wall on the opposite side to avoid Ramblers coming into contact with either of them.

I also had a FT3D HH for 2m FM and possible DV Fusion, using a telescopic antenna for both the HH and the KX3 2m Module.

Today the summit , possibly because of the lovely warm sunshine, was very busy with muggles ( visitors who don’t understand what you are doing and tend to ask if you are fishing :grimacing: ) but my co-pilot explained briefly enough for them to avoid me.

I managed 4 S2S today, but only 2 from LD Land, the most impressive was with Ben GQ4BML/P up Old man of Coniston on 20m, thanks for your patience Ben, as we just got there in the end, could not hear anyone on 2m FM ,but that was my issue I think with radio and antenna not good enough. Also glad I got G/LD-001 in my S2S log thanks to Dave MQ0JKS/P ,the only 2m contact from LD.

All in all only 7 contacts with 2 of My 4 S2S coming from GW Land, We both agreed it was a most pleasurable day out. with us achieving the 3 Challenges we had set out to do 1: Actually getting to the summit top, 2: Qualifying the summit and 3: getting S2S from LD :smiley:

Well done again to the boys and girls who done the LD Weekend and thanks for the ones who gave me a QSO. :ok_hand:

For those who have never ventured up here, this is the view back down to the signpost for heading back to the car.

Best 73 Tony & Elaine


Thanks for making the effort. It’s a summit I’ve never done, so good to see photos.

I have worked a few stations on Shining Tor, Possibly the problem this weekend was that a lot of activators didn’t bring long-distance antennas for 2m FM knowing there would be many other activators within ‘rubber-duck’ range. I could be wrong about that, but hopefully in future we can be more mindful of folk making an effort to get QSOs at a distance from LD land.

Regards, Mark.


Hi Mark, could be, but I didn’t help! I left the 2m beam at home to reduce weight to carry up. The Tor has always been popular with Activators,and for any regular hill walker is an easy 2 pointer . Excellent takeoff for VHF. Thanks for organising such a successful event, I am hoping to make it next time :crossed_fingers:Tony