Late on G/LD-007

Well not actually late, I arrived 10 minutes early on a very frosty summit. Mast up, aerial deployed.
Key and ear buds connected. 857 switched on. 10.118+_ busy. Tested tx, audio disappeared? Not had that before? Tried again, spinning tuning knob, same effect?
“Stranger and stranger said Alice”
Time passed no solution. Getting cold.
Tried a cq call. After 5 minutes a chaser, but the rig still has a mind of its own. This continued for 30 cold minutes or so and the qso’s were hard to complete. So after 90 long minutes I did what I never do, I left the pilup.
I apologise if I missed you, beaten by technology plus the cold and the damp?

Post script:
After a night in the warm, the rig is back to its normal self. I suspect damp on GW NW 034 the previous Thursday. We live and learn.


Hi David.

This happened to me many years ago with my FT817 on Fan Nedd. A very cold damp day and it was very misty. The rig would not respond with odd noises and complete rubbish on the display. Luckily I was able to qualify on 2m so not a wasted activation.

The following day I tried the rig and it was perfect. I think that the combination of a nice warm home then into a nice warm insulated bag and eventually a dry rucksack the emergence into the cold damp conditions on the summit caused condensation to form on the boards inside. It has worked perfectly since that day.

73 Allan

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You did well to last on the summit for so long David.

I was operating a RockMite on Helvellyn but the QRM from a Scottish POTA station was too much and I had to give up after a few QSOs. The wind was much stronger than expected and I was shivering in a very short period of time.

I’d got the boxes ticked; RockMite tested, enough chasers to claim the points and an S2S with Richard G4TGJ on G/NP-008. As a fellow home brewer, I like to chase Richard as he tries to improve home brew his S2S score.

The fell top assessor agreed with my conclusion that it was a bit chilly!

73, Colin


< geek mode >

You look a lot like like a Jawa trader in that last picture Colin! :wink:

</geek mode>