Last hour change EA2/VI-007 > EA2/BI-063

Even Marcial -EA2BDS- and me were planning for two weeks this 6 pt. activation, just while being only at 1,2 km from the summit of Recuenco (Araba, Basque Country), we decided to go back, because the snow fall became too heavy and a dense fog appeared pretty fast. We didn’t know this particular summit, and thought it would be better losting this chance than having troubles finding the way back after some activation hours.
Not specially in good humour, we were returning home, when Marcial proposed a second goal. (Marcial has no chance to do radio at home these days, so his only oportunities are while in SOTA activations). We were looking for a more quiet and closer to coast summit, where we hoped to find less or no snow.

Finally, 120 km later, we arrived to Lemoatxa (a 300 m summit closer to home), a very easy one, as it has no more than 200 m. walk from the road, and at least, we tasted the pleasures of a late activation. Thank you all people chasing us!

I hope Marcial will put some photos of both summits later.

73 de Mikel EA2CW
(Happily hating some contests)

In reply to EA2CW:

thanks for the points and hope to hear you soon again from any summit. Always nice to work a CW suffix :slight_smile:
Nice and strong signal on 30 meters…

73, PA9CW

In reply to PA9CW:
Always a pleasure, Tonnie!

73 de Mikel.
Proud member of “???CW” Callsign Owner Club :wink:

In reply to EA2CW:
Hi Mikel…thanks for the SOTA QSO!!! What power level were you running??? I rarely hear EA SOTA stations here in Alberta so it was a great pleasure to work you!

73 Mike VA6FUN

In reply to VA6FUN:
Hi Mike!
I was running abt 8(QRO) watts into an inverted V linked dipole for 24, 14, 30 and 7 mhz
Thanks for QSO!
73 de Mikel