Lanzarote: another 7 summits, still 10 to go!

Equipment: ICOM 705 + PA500 (project: DL4KA) + home brew resonant End fed antenna for 20m. (slooper configuration). Mode: ssb.

18/02/23: EA8/LA-020 Montana Tinamala. Temp. = 27 C / Wind = 20 km./h.
U.T.C. = 11:30 - 12:00 / QSO’s = 9

Walking Effort to the base of the hill (W.E.) = 5/10
Climbing Effort to the top of the summit (C.E.) = 10/10
Freedom Feeling on the top of the summit (F.F.) = 10/10

The access: you have to go arround an old quarry with the signs of no access ( privado peligro / prohibido pasar). Then you have to find your own way to the top. It’s a very steep climb!

Top down I’ve found another way, less steep.

20/02/23: EA8/LA-017 Monte Mina. Temp. = 27 C / Wind = 15 km./h.
U.T.C. = 11:30 - 12:00 / QSO’s = 12

Walking Effort to the base of the hill (W.E.) = 1/10
Climbing Effort to the top of the summit (C.E.) = 3/10
Freedom Feeling on the top of the summit (F.F.) = 03/10

The access: an easy walk, looking at the windmills (out of order) along the path and the antennas on the top.

My position, looking at the antennas ( the F.F. = 03/10, why?..)

Top down is a quick walk!

26/02/23: EA8/LA-013 Montana Tamia. Temp. = 24 C / Wind = 30 km./h.
U.T.C. = 10:30 - 11:00 / QSO’s = 31 (2x S2S)

Walking Effort to the base of the hill (W.E.) = 1/10
Climbing Effort to the top of the summit (C.E.) = 07/10
Freedom Feeling on the top of the summit (F.F.) = 10/10

The access: not difficult, when you follow the unpaved road, at the end of Calle Aniagua to the base of the hill. “Always be patient, attentive and carefulI when you are climbing”: I hope my daughter has followed my advice when she was running up the hill…

Top down, I’ve followed the same path.

28/02/23: EA8/LA-008 Guatisea. Temp. = 24 C / Wind = 35 km./h.
U.T.C. = 10:30 - 11:00 / QSO’s = 24.

Walking Effort to the base of the hill (W.E.) = 2/10
Climbing Effort to the top of the summit (C.E.) = 08/10
Freedom Feeling on the top of the summit (F.F.) = 10/10

The access: not difficult, following the GR131 / Etap a 4, coming from San Bartolome.

Could I have seen a El Guincho on the top???

Top down, I’ve followed the same path.

03/03/23: EA8/LA-007 Pico Redondo. Temp. = 24 C / Wind = o.k.
U.T.C. = 11:00 - 11:45 / QSO’s = 30.

Walking Effort to the base of the hill (W.E.) = 2/10
Climbing Effort to the top of the summit (C.E.) = 09/10
Freedom Feeling on the top of the summit (F.F.) = 10/10

The access: easy to find, starting from the parking plot in Femes (nearby the church). There is a walking path at the entrance of the National Park. You can follow that path, until you are in “the neighbourhood” of Pico Redondo. Like always in Lanzarote, if you want to reach a summit, you have to find your own way… Here: a C.E. of 09/10…

I was not alone on my way. This guys likes to think: carry on, it’s a long way to go, to reach the level of a Mountain Goat!

On the summit you have a good vieuw on EA8/LA-002 Atalya de Femes.

Top down, I’ve followed the same path.

05/03/23: EA8/LA-010 Montana Negra. Temp. = 26 C / Wind = o.k.
U.T.C. = 10:30 - 11:00 / QSO’s = 16 (1x S2S)

Walking Effort to the base of the hill (W.E.) = 1/10
Climbing Effort to the top of the summit (C.E.) = 04/10
Freedom Feeling on the top of the summit (F.F.) = 10/10

The access: easy to find, starting from the parking plot nearby the summit on the Camino A Mancha Blanca. There are different paths to the top, consisting of loose vulcanic gravel.

And there, she was again!

A F.F. of 10/10 = all world sorrows are gone,… for a while.

EA8 LA010 3

Top down, I used a “highway”!

06/03/23: EA8/LA-021 Soo. Temp. = 28 C / Wind = o.k.
U.T.C. = 10:45 - 11:30 / QSO’s = 33.

Walking Effort to the base of the hill (W.E.) = 3/10
Climbing Effort to the top of the summit (C.E.) = 08/10
Freedom Feeling on the top of the summit (F.F.) = 10/10

The access: easy to find, starting at the end of Calle Los Cazadores. You have to look for the summit: Caldera Trasera ( = Soo ). The path is good, but after a while…

The summit is also a Vertice Geodesico = a bonus for making QSO’s.

Top down I used the same path.

Like always, at the end of my SOTA adventures, I’m grateful for all the radio-hams who have done the effort for making a QSO with me. Sometimes it was not so easy in the pile-up.

My “mission” on Lanzarote is not at the end. I’ll go back. Not only for the last 10, but also for the beautiful vulcanic nature!

73, ON4ROB


Thanks for the report and the pictures Rob!

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Thanks! Heaven is closer… on a summit!

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