... still in business??

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Ich habe in den letzten 14 Tagen insgesamt drei E-Mails an den OM geschickt, aber bis jetzt keinerlei Antwort erhalten. Die E-Mail-Adresse auf funktioniert auch nicht …

Somebody here in this reflector has any information about

I wrote three e-mails in the last 14 days to him but did not get any response. The e-mail-adress is not working …

73 Martin, OE5REO

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Hi Martin,
I just ordered two antennas from Willi Daubermann DH3PZ yesterday - so I HOPE he is still in business!
His ordering system is very manual, and I got an order acknowledgement from him, so I think he is still there (Note his IBAN has changed though).

email address should be - lambdahalbe (at)

If you used DH3PZ (at) - perhaps he hasn’t renewed his membership to DARC?

73 Ed.


Hi Ed,

thanks for your reply. I wrote e-mails to both addresses you mentioned.

lambdahalbe (at) → no response
DH3PZ (at) → not available

I did not use the ordering system on his webpage because he is only shipping to Germany … that’s why I wanted to contact him. A friend in Bavaria will collect the parcel and bring it to OE on his next visit.

Please keep me informed if you get any response. Thank you.


Hello Martin,

I just spoke to Willi. We are both in the same darc Ortsverband. His shop is open and can be reached at the first email address. The @darc address is inactive. You might try sending him a message again from a different email address.

73 Stefan


Thank you Stefan for your response. I sent my inquiry/order with another email address … hope it will get through to him now.


Willi, the owner of contacted me. It’s all sorted out now, it seems his (or my) emails got lost somewhere … thanks all for your help.

73 Martin, OE5REO


Good to know Martin!

I tried to contact Willi with the email address but never got a reply. I’ll try it again.

73 Stephan

Hi Martin,
I know you have made contact in the meantime, but just to say my two new antennas arrived fine from Willi and are working fine. Lovely craftsmanship.

73 Ed.

Yes, I can agree with that. I have a few antennas from him and they are all ufb. Especially the 2m/70cm end-fed play great.

73 Marcel DM3FAM


I wrote to Will back in 2020 and he replied that he will not ship to Poland :frowning: Pity as some he has a interesting range of antennas at a good price.

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That is correct, as far as I understand he will only ship within Germany and payment has to be up-front via bank transfer to his bank account. He does not want the additional issues of trading internationally.

73 Ed.

My order was delivered last Friday (to a friend who lives in Bavaria). He will bring the parcel to OE5 on his next visit in 1-2 weeks. Payment was possible via bank transfer from my Austrian bank account.

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Just saw an announcement that the owner of lambdahalbe will be closing in 2024. He is looking for potential successors …

Oh, that is disappointing news Martin.

I know Willi had closed his online shop for a month but that was supposedly as he was waiting for stock.

The online shop is open again now and I have quickly ordered one of his 6m mini-masts (€36 + €6 shipping) - which I have used for the last 12+ years. He also sells what are J-antennas for single bands 20m through 10m which I can recommend - he lists them as just Drahtantennen at prices I couldn’t make them for myself.

I have hoped to see him at Friedrichshafen again next month but I guess that is unlikely with this news.

For those wanting to buy from I believe he only ships locally and payment is via bank transfer.

73 Ed.