Lake District SOTA Weekend 18/19th May 2019 part3

Hi Mark,
Well, being down here in Southern Germany, I tend to be the last to get the RadCom. I used to get it earlier in the preceding month when I lived in Australia than I do down here in Germany “please explain”. so everyone should have the magazine by now. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next month with the Brexit process started and companies trying to work out how to operate together across the returned border.

I held off the urge to post the complete article - this photo is already in the thread earlier, so I guess that’s OK.

73 Ed.

Hurry up and wait…

No change essentially until (at least) next year (depending on the negotiations). Yes we thought that’s what they’d been doing for the last 3 years too. Thank goodness politicians don’t run SOTA (or pubs). Your RADCOM is safe for a while Ed :wink:

Hi Andy,

The problem has always been in Germany. The RSGB bulk ship magazines to a company in North Germany who then re-packages and onward ships the individual magazines. That company has not been the most reliable as regards speed.

Yes it is clear that tonight is only the start of the Brexit action and although I believe Boris has said it’ll be done by June/July, more realistic is the end of 2020 (or later). There’s a lot to do and very little prepared it appears.

73 Ed.