KR7RK Achieves 4X MG !!

Congrats, Keith. That’s a lotta hiking. Thanks for all the QSOs.
John, K6YK lowly sloth…

Congratulations, Keith! Clearly, you love to be on a summit! I looked at my logs and I have chased you 333 times, which is 8.3% of your total activations…Glad I could help you reach “Quad-MG” status!!


Dave - AE9Q

Congratulations Keith that is quite an accomplishment. Thanks for getting me in your log so many times.
Jeff K6QCB

Congrats Keith, well done.


Well done Keith, a lot of effort to get that!

You are in my log back in 2020 so hopefully conditions soon will improve to log you again.

73 Ignacio

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Congratulations, Keith!

Congrats Keith! Huge achievement especially considering your commitment to work as many bands as possible on each summit! Well done!
73, Jim

Congrats OM on your hard earned achievement. Keep it going Keith.

72/73, Dennis

To summit up: Congratulations!


Congratulations Keith, always nice to have you in my log as S2S.

Congrats Keith.


Mike AD5A

Good job Keith. Your signals are always good!

Very Good Keith!
You are an inspiration to us all.

Best 73,
Dale AA7OY

Congrats Keith, well deserved!

Adam K7MRJ

Congratulations Keith!


Keith - what an achievement! Worked you today S2S - you were fairly weak this time and I had a bit of trouble pulling your call out. However, with what parts I had of your call, I should have recognized it as you are also a consistent SOTA chaser.

Congratulations - Frank K8FB


Well done friend! Congratulations times four. Amazing accomplishment.

Looking forward to doing some hiking with you in Flagstaff.


Congratulations to you Keith on your 4X Goat!
It’s always a pleasure to work you on a summit and I’m always
amazed by where in the country you may be activating from!!

73, Gary K3TCU

Congratulations Keith. That’s a lot of peaks! Also, thanks for all the S2S and chases.


Congrats Keith. I’ll be looking for you again on 10m.
Tim - K5DEZ