KLA/AN-184 Rainbow Peak, Alaska.

This one felt like a pretty tuff 2 points! Lots of loose 4th class terrain, challenging conditions, and the elevation gain was full value. I brought a mag loop for 17M/15M, boasting a big 5 watts from a Xiegu 6100 I was able to make contact with F4WBN and WB6POT. I set up a 20m dipole and was had a little better result making contact with AL9G (ground wave), WW7D, N7KRN, WU7H, and K6KMH.

The snow is really melting here so I expect to activate some larger peaks very soon! Thanks for chasing!
There are a few videos on my Instagram of the activation.
Instagram- chilly_alaskan


Thank you Rob for these two fantastic contacts, thanks to a good propagation that day (memorial day in addition !).
It’s a nice challenge to be able to contact you in Alaska and I hope to have other contacts.
Be well.
73, Chris F4WBN