KK0U Activations 11 Nov 2022

For folks that worked me today on Matthews Mountain (W0M/SF-022) I did realize that my spots were indicating KK0U/P, while I was sending KK0U.

In the vein of ‘copy what is sent’, I will upload those logs as KK0U.

For the Cottoner Mountain activation (W0M/SF-039), I signed as KK0U/P, so there shouldn’t be any confusement.

Thanks to my DX contacts – F4WBN (always loud and clear!), EC8ADS, S57S and TI7/HB9BHU/P. That last one is a challenge to send on the key when your fingers are getting numb from the cold!

Deer season starts tomorrow, so no SOTA activity for awhile from me. :wink:

72, 73 and thanks for the contacts!

Jim KK0U


No brown jackets for sure when hiking!


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Y’know, I’ve hunted since I was 13 or so (I don’t anymore). I know better than to even go out in the woods during deer rifle season.

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