KJ6NHF Forgot His Battery

My apologies to those who were looking for me on Thursday and Friday. After climbing W6/NS-078 and setting up my antenna, I realized that I had left my battery in the charger at home. I was able to make one quick contact via the internal batteries of the Kx3. Thanks to Tommy, W7RV for posting that I was having problems. For some reason the usually reliable APRS system was not posting my spots and there was no cell coverage available so there was no way to update my situation.

We had a nice time camping at the lake below the peaks which I was able to activate on 2 meters.

Time to create a master checklist for outings.

73, Jordan, KJ6NHF

In reply to KJ6NHF:
Bad luck Jordan I just added an alert for my activation today and your problem has made me check my bag for everything I may need. I left a patch lead for my tuner to rig home once and had to chew the outer shield off my feed line and shove the bare wires into a bnc to banana socket to hook up to the kx3. You are not alone I am sure, and I am glad you made some kind of activation in the end. These things are sent to test ones skills or lack there of.
73 de Ian vk5cz …

In reply to KJ6NHF:

Time to create a master checklist for outings.

…in detail, and then make sure each item gets checked off properly.

My last activation I had everything connected up, then looked everywhere for (and failed to find) the microphone. It was supposed to have been packed in the rig’s box when I packed the rig, but somehow, it got missed…

Leaving things to the last minute doesn’t help. :wink:

That activation was rescued by the Morse paddle and some very patient chasers…

73, Rick M0LEP

Hey Jordan, I saw Tommy’s spot and message that you were having problems with power. I waited and figured after awhile when you hadn’t come back that the problem must be serious. I did the same thing once, leaving my battery in the charger. I’m almost always forgetting to take something along and making a list, though it may work for you, doesn’t work for me. RE: APRS self-spotting functionality… It appears that it’s still not working. I had no success trying to self spot today from 2 summits near San Diego.

73, Dan NA6MG

Re: APRS spotting. I noticed the outage yesterday and notified Stewart. Should be back up and running now.

And I have also forgotten/broken essential equipment on an activation before. Sometimes I just decide to enjoy the walk.

73, pat - KI4SVM