Kirkstone Pass Closed for 2 Weeks

Just in case anyone hasn’t seen this…

Regards, Mark.

Typically that isn’t very clear. I think they are saying it’s only the northern side that is closed so it should still be possible to park at the top of the pass if you approach from Windermere. I was up there in March and got to the car park via The Struggle from Ambleside. It was very odd being the only car in the car park! On my way down from Red Screes G/LD-017 it seemed that all the youth from the area was having a car meeting in the car park.


Yes I believe so, as all work has been on the Northern side to date, so suspect they are cleaning up the road surface there following the barrier work.


I drove that way (Patterdale to Windermere) on Friday because the M6 was closed between Penrith and Kendal due to two separate accidents. There were signs warning of the imminent closure of the KSP road.

Unfortunately, half of the usual Friday afternoon northbound M6 traffic was coming in the opposite direction. Every time one of those giant 6-axle trucks came the opposite way on that narrow winding steep road I had to squeeze my car against the stone wall and hope the truck didn’t hit me.

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I’ve just done a reccie and can confirm that they are planning on closing The Struggle to traffic - there is a dated road closure sign in Ambleside that I didn’t quite catch, then a road closed ahead sign about 1/2 way up with cones across half the road, then at the top as it starts snaking towards the main road there are cones all the way across. You could park in the car park at that point and you’d only be at a 5 min disadvantage, but I guess you are taking a chance.

No idea about access via the road from Windermere, but I suspect they are planning on using the car park at the top for plant and equipment and may be working on the road on both sides.

Regards, Mark.

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They were there, along with another set nearer the top, when I went up in March. There were no cones completely across the road though, and no problem getting past.

The amount of road closure time, it must be a 6 lane motorway they are building??

It’ll need to be for the next time the M6 is closed [see above].

Kirkstone closed? This is the reason:


Wot? You saying, I’ve not only got to handle a CW pile-up but also build a crude cannon to fight off a lizard-like alien who’s trying to kill me. In that case, I’ll give Red Screes a miss for a while.

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You mean access to the carpark was Gorn ?

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