Kinder Scout - UHF DMR

Good Morning all,

at some point in the next week I hope to be on top of Kinder Scout and possibly Shining Tor. Is there anyone close by that has UHF DMR capability and would like to try a simplex contact on DH1? I will for sure try 2 and 70 FM too.


James G7MLO

Good stuff James. There’s plenty of people in the Manchester area that do UHF DMR, but probably not many of them that read this board. I don’t yet do DMR myself but if you can find any groups of Manchester DMR users on tinterweb then that might be better advertising for your activation. Good luck!

Hi Tom. Looks like we are going for Kinder Scout today as the forecast looks favourable. I’m going to try 2 FM first and then see who I can conjour up on simplex DMR afterwards.
ATB James
PS Seems a long while ago that we met up with you on top of Kinder Scout…

Cracking weather on Kinder today. Sunny with a good breeze. William Clough was cooler this time in the breeze during the climb up. Thanks to M0CQE, 2E0LKC, G0WGL and G0SLR for the 4 needed contacts to qualify the summit on 2 mtrs FM. Managed one contact on DMR, but through the Manchester repeater as there were no takers on simplex just for fun.

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