Congratulations to Chris KG6CIH for recently reaching the milestone of 2X Mountain Goat!
Congratulations, Chris!!!
Always great to work you.
73 Gary
Congratulations, Chris! It was a privilege to make an S2S contact with you on your 2x MG summit!
Vy 73 de Jonathan “JB”
Congratulations, Chris!
Congrats x 2, Chris! FB!
Andy, N4LAG
Bravo Zulu Chris, well done !!
Congratulations Chris.
Eric VA2EO
That’s a lot of trail. Well done!
Congrats to the 2xMG Chris !
73, Jan
Congratulation Chris! Great job!
73, Gary K3TCU
Hey, everyone! Thanks for all the congrats. I was really pleased to make a lot of contacts from the summit of Equinox after spending most of the day doing rather poorly in the ARRL 10 GHz contest from the saddle.
I guess it’s on to the next thousand activator points from here. Hopefully it takes a little less time. I’m excited to work you guys a bunch more in the future.
Congratulations on 2X MG! Its always great to work you.
73, Gary K3TCU