I cannot send your certificate as your email account is returning a 403 error
Can you please provide an alternative
73 Barry GM4TOE
SOTA Awards Manager
I cannot send your certificate as your email account is returning a 403 error
Can you please provide an alternative
73 Barry GM4TOE
SOTA Awards Manager
Does anybody have a valid email address for Allan?
His *****@tir.com is the one that fails
Barry, I guess you tested the @hotmail listed on KD8DEU - Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio ?
Have you tried sending a plain text email with no attachment?
403 is a “Forbidden” so it could be objecting to either the attachment (or maybe it’s size) or your email format (HTML maybe).
I have, didn’t bounce so it may have worked
Thanks for the “head-up”
I tried without attachment but it still bounced.
I have now tried his hotmail account