Congrats Paula, thanks for all the activations and chases you have provided on your way to MG. Looking forward to many more.
73 Gary

Welcome to the herd! So, happy you were able to make Mountain Goat!

Jill // N3ICE

Many congrats Paula!!


Hey, hey Paula as the song goes,

Well in spite of biting insects, snow closed roads, bush wacking and a few navigation problems (I call them errors on my part, but I am sure it was a failure of the GPS system for you!). Congratulations on a well deserved Mountain Goat achievement! Along the way you were nice enough to give me a couple of S2S! Thanks again.

Sorry the OzarkCon event cancellation nixed the annual reunion at Branson. It would have been fun to toast and roast you at the local restaurant!

All the best, John N0EVH

Congratulations Paula! Thank you for all those contacts - I look forward to many more as you pursue Double Goat.

Derek WF4I

CONGRATULATIONS! Paula. You have many fans here in the southeast.

Stay safe during these trying times and hope to work you on many more summits.

Ariel NY4G

Congrats Paula and welcome to the very small nanny goat herd! Baaa. Hope to work you when I can get out on peaks again.
'73 & 88, Lin KB7CWV

Way to go, Paula! Liz and I have worked you many times and hope to work you many more. Keep up the good work! :hiking_boot:

Ron and Liz

You go girl! Congrats
WX4TW (Tom)

Well done Paula! Congrats!!!

de KE9AJ

Congratulations Paula! I am so glad you finally made it.
A lot of climbing and logging! Look forward to many more
de John Paul // AB4PP

Hearty congratulations Paula.

Ariel NY4G