Just when you think it is getting easy

You know the feeling… you walk up the hill. Set up the mast, the dipole, the radio, get the log book out and switch on. Call CQ on 40M SSB a few times and get a nice fat pile up.

Not today.

On the first hill 40M was horrible, after half an hour I managed to rustle up 4 contacts, all outside the UK. People called me then disappeared. Supremely frustrating! I tried 20M for 10 minutes and didn’t get a thing.

I moved to 2M and got 4 more contacts on FM. Over an hour for 8 contacts.

On the second hill 40M was still not in great shape, but now there was a bigger problem… CQ Contest… I could not find a sliver of space to get myself established. I once thought I was off and self spotted, only to be completely flattened by another station before I could work anyone.

Back to 2M, after 40 minutes I finally managed to get 5 contacts. 3 on FM and 2 on SSB.

It was very frustrating, but, I suppose if it was all easy then the hobby wouldn’t have any attraction.

Won’t take long to type the log up tonight!

Seems that there was a Solar Flare - hence HF was all but dead.

I did see a spot for you on 2m SSB - as I posted a spot for someone else (8 minutes later than yours), but I heard nothing at all on 2m SSB.

Stewart G0LGS

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